
jeudi 31 mai 2012

TuneUp Lite Free

TuneUp Lite Free

TuneUp wurde von Softonic getestet, allerdings ist noch kein Testbericht auf Deutsch verfügbar. Wenn Sie TuneUp bereits getestet haben, schreiben Sie bitte einen Kommentar und sagen Sie uns Ihre Meinung zu der Software.



EssentialPIM Free 4.54 Free

EssentialPIM Free 4.54 Free

Mit dem kostenlosen EssentialPIM kommt ein so genannter Personal Information Manager (PIM) auf den PC. Mit der Freeware organisiert der Anwender sein Berufs- und Privatleben unter einer einzigen Oberfläche.

EssentialPIM zeigt Termine in Tages-, Wochen- und Monatsansichten an. Über ein Prioritätensystem ordnet man Termine nach Wichtigkeit. Zudem übernimmt EssentialPIM Daten aus Outlook, Outlook Express und aus CVS-Dateien.

Per Drag&Drop verschiebt der Nutzer Termine oder öffnet per Doppelklick einzelne Einträge. Ohne Umweg über Untermenüs verwaltet man Termine, Aufgaben und Notizen. Darüber hinaus hat EssentialPIM einen Kontaktmanager sowie einen Notizblock an Bord. Dort hält man Informationen schriftlich fest und versieht die Texte mit Bildern und Tabellen. Der so genannte Outliner organisiert alle Notizen in einer übersichtlichen Baumstruktur. Bei Bedarf exportiert man die Kalenderansichten als HTML-, RTF- oder TXT-Datei.

Mit EssentialPIM haben Vielbeschäftigte Aufgaben und Termine im Griff. Dank intuitiver Programmoberfläche arbeitet man sich schnell ein in die Software. Wer zusätzliche Funktionen wie Verschlüsselung oder eine Outlook-Synchronisierung benötigt, muss auf die kostenpflichtige EssentialPIM-Pro-Version zurückgreifen.


  • schlüssige Programmoberfläche

  • anpassbare Module

  • Importfunktion


  • zahlreiche Optionen nur in der kostenpflichtigen Pro-Version erhältlich

  • keine Synchronisierung mit PocketPC oder Palm



NVIDIA GPU Temp Sidebar Gadget 2.0 Free

NVIDIA GPU Temp Sidebar Gadget 2.0 Free

NVIDIA GPU Temp zeigt die Temperatur von NVIDIA-Grafikkarten an. Die kostenlose Software arbeitet als Sidebar-Minianwendung und zeigt die jeweilige Temperatur in Echtzeit an.

NVIDIA GPU Temp greift die Temperatur-Daten von NVIDIA-Grafikkarten ab und zeigt die entsprechenden Werte auf dem Desktop. Dabei wählt man zwischen Celsius und Fahrenheit. Zudem lässt sich die Optik anhand unterschiedlicher Skins an den eigenen Geschmack anpassen.

Wer eine NVIDIA-Grafikkarte nutzt und stets die Temperatur der GPU im Auge behalten möchte, der findet in NVIDIA GPU Temp den passenden Helfer.


  • schicke Oberfläche und unterschiedliche Skins

  • Temperaturanzeige in Echtzeit


  • wenige Einstelloptionen


mercredi 30 mai 2012

Anki 1.2.8 Free

Anki 1.2.8 Free

Anki trainiert das Gedächtnis mit Hilfe einer speziellen Erinnerungstechnik. Die kostenlose Software fragt Vokabeln oder andere Informationen systematisch in festgelegten Zeitabständen ab.

Anki arbeitet nach dem klassischen Karteikartensystem: Das Programm blendet Informationen einer Kartenvorderseite ein und fragt die Rückseite ab. Vorgefertigte Kartenstapel mit Fremdsprachen wie Japanisch oder Chinesisch liefert das Lernprogramm mit. Optional gibt man zu lernende Phrasen selbst ein.

Mit Schwerpunkt auf einem Langzeiteffekt fragt Anki die Karten nach einem ausgeklügelten Zeitsystem regelmäßig ab. Die Aussprache von Wörtern trainieren Sprachschüler mit Hilfe eines Vorsprechers. Statistische Diagramme geben Auskunft über den Lernfortschritt.

Mit Anki paukt man gezielt für das Langzeitgedächtnis. Die Freeware eignet sich für Lehrstoff jeglicher Art und bietet zahlreiche individuelle Einstellungen. Das Programm erweist sich als hilfreicher Trainer für ambitionierte Schüler.


Synchredible 3.304 Free

Synchredible 3.304 Free

Synchredible automatisiert die Datensicherung. Die kostenlose Anwendung vergleicht zwei Ordner miteinander und kopiert neue und geänderte Daten nach einstellbaren Vorgaben und Filtern an den gewünschten Ort.

Ein Assistent hilft bei der Ersteinrichtung eines ersten Synchronisations-Auftrags mit Synchredible. Man bestimmt die zu vergleichenden Verzeichnisse, kann überflüssige Dateien und Ordner automatisch löschen lassen, versteckte Dateien von einem Backup ausschließen und mit Filtern Daten oder Ordner in die Synchronisation einbeziehen oder ausschließen.

Das Programm vergleicht Ordner auf demselben PC, im Netzwerk oder auf Wechselmedien wie USB-Sticks. Es lassen sich beliebig viele Aufträge anlegen und mit Hotkeys genannten Tastenkürzeln starten. Auf Wunsch beschränkt Synchredible Backups auf neue oder veränderte Dateien.

Die Freeware kann Aufträge über einen eigenen Terminkalender planen sowie mit Ereignissen wie Windows-Start oder Windows-Abmeldung verbinden. Vor oder nach einem Auftrag kann Synchredible eine programmierbare Aktion wie den Versand einer Mail durchführen.

Synchredible hilft bei automatisierten Sicherheitskopien wichtiger Daten. Das Programm bringt sinnvolle Filterfunktionen mit, die sich dank des durchdachten Konfigurationsassistenten gut beherrschen lassen. Trotzdem werden weniger erfahrene Nutzer eine Weile brauchen, sich mit den vielen mächtigen Programmfunktionen vertraut zu machen. Verbessern kann der Hersteller das Sprachmenü, das sich in der rechten oberen Programmecke gut versteckt.


  • durchdachter Assistent

  • vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten

  • Filterfunktion

  • mehrere Aufträge anlegbar

  • Terminplaner für automatische Backups


  • erfordert Einarbeitung

  • Sprachmenü versteckt



Nokia Software Updater 3.0.655 Free

Nokia Software Updater 3.0.655 Free

Nokia Software Updater aktualisiert auf Nokia Handys installierte Programme. Nach einem automatischen Scan bringt die Freeware alle Apps auf den neuesten Stand.

Nokia Software Updater greift per USB-Kabel auf das Nokia-Handy zu. Die Software ermittelt alle auf dem Handy installierten Programme und eventuell im Internet verfügbare Updates. Der Anwender bestätigt vorgeschlagene Updates und startet anschließend per Mausklick die Aktualisierung. Nokia Software Updater lädt neuere Programmversionen automatisch auf das Handy und startet das Gerät nach Abschluss neu.

Nokia Software Updater erfüllt seinen Zweck leidlich. Systemsoftware des Handy aktualisiert die Freeware nicht und verweist auf die Nokia PC Suite. Praktisch wäre auch Backup-Funktion wie bei iTunes für Apple-Geräte.


  • leicht zu bedienen


  • aktualisiert nur Anwendungen

  • keine Backup-Funktion

Nokia Software Updater


mardi 29 mai 2012

Free 3D Video Maker 1.1.5 Free

Free 3D Video Maker 1.1.5 Free

Free 3D Video Maker macht aus zwei 2D-Videos einen dreidimensionalen Film. Die kostenlose Software benötigt als Ausgangsmaterial zwei Filme derselben Szene ? aus horizontal leicht versetzter Perspektive aufgenommen.

Ausgestattet mit entsprechendem Quellmaterial im AVI- oder MPEG-Format erzeugt Free 3D Video Maker in wenigen Klicks einen 3D-Film. Um anschließend den räumlichen Effekt genießen zu können, benötigt man lediglich eine anaglyphische Rot-Blau-Brille.

Doch selbst aus einem einzigen Video macht Free 3D Video Maker einen 3D-Film ? dafür bietet die Freeware die Option Single Source File. Dabei simuliert die Anwendung die fehlende Perspektive.

Free 3D Video Maker richtet sich an Heimanwender und liefert je nach Qualität des Quellmaterials durchaus ansehnliche Ergebnisse. Die Resultate bei nur einem Ausgangsclip sind jedoch nicht wirklich dreidimensional.


  • interessantes Ausgangskonzept

  • bei zwei Quellvideos anschauliche Ergebnisse

  • einfach zu bedienen


  • Ergebnisse bei nur einem Quellvideo eher schlecht

Free 3D Video Maker


uTorrent (µTorrent) Free

uTorrent (µTorrent) Free

uTorrent überträgt Dateien über das P2P-Tauschnetzwerk BitTorrent. Die auch µTorrent genannte Freeware optimiert den Torrent-Download für hohen Datendurchsatz und reduziert RAM- und CPU-Zugriffe auf ein Minimum.

uTorrent öffnet die auf Suchseiten im Netz oder privat getauschten .torrent-Dateien oder Magnet-Links und lädt damit angebotene Dateisammlungen auf den Rechner. Um den Interntetzugang nicht komplett auszulasten kann man die für den Torrent Download genutzte Transferrate manuell einschränken. uTorrent unterstützt gleichzeitige Torrent Downloads vieler Dateien, Superseeding, das Internet Protocol Version 6 und das erstellen eigener .torrent-Dateien.

uTorrent umgeht bei Bedarf die Firewall von Windows XP und fährt nach erfolgreichen Torrent Downloads den Rechner auf Wunsch herunter. Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung sorgt für Datenschütz. Auf Wunsch kann man uTorrent über ein Webinterface mit Hilfe eines Browsers steuern.

uTorrent gewinnt mit gerade einmal 625 Kilobytes nicht nur den Titel als kleinstes Torrent-Programm. Hinter dem Client im Taschenformat steckt konzentriert fast das gesamte Leistungsspektrum von Torrent-Tauschanwendungen. Den Vergleich mit klassischen Torrent-Programmen muss uTorrent in keiner Weise scheuen. Es ist nicht erlaubt, mit dieser Software urheberrechtlich geschütztes Material wie kommerzielle Musik oder Filme herunter zu laden.


  • sehr klein

  • Einrichtungs-Assistent

  • schont Ressourcen

  • anwenderfreundliche Programmoberfläche


  • installiert optional eine Toolbar



Livestation 3.2.0 Free

Livestation 3.2.0 Free

Livestation bringt Fernsehprogramme per Internet-Streaming auf den heimischen Monitor. Die kostenlose IPTV-Software bietet unzählige TV-Kanäle und stellt einfache Bedienung in den Mittelpunkt.

Nach dem ersten Start von Livestation meldet man sich zunächst kostenlos als Nutzer an. Per Klick auf einen der Kanäle in der Programmliste verbindet sich die Freeware mit dem entsprechenden Server und startet ? etwas zeitversetzt ? die Wiedergabe. Die recht kurze Kanalliste erweitert man bei Bedarf beliebig.

Dazu begibt man sich auf die Webseite der Livestation-Anbieter und sucht dort nach gewünschten Angeboten. Anders als bei den meisten Konkurrenten verschafft man sich hier dank User-Ranking rasch einen Überblick über die jeweilige Qualität der TV-Inhalte.

In Sachen Funktionsumfang bringt Livestation nichts Neues. Zudem nervt die Kanal-Suche via Livestation-Webseite etwas. Dieses Manko kann der kleine TV-Player allerdings durch gute Bild- und Tonqualität wettmachen. Zudem gefällt das Bewertungssystem für die einzelnen Programmangebote. Damit trennt man flott die Spreu vom Weizen und findet im Handumdrehen brauchbare Sender.


lundi 28 mai 2012

Mozilla Firefox 14.0 a2 (Aurora) Free

Mozilla Firefox 14.0 a2 (Aurora) Free

Mozilla Firefox 14 Aurora bringt eine rein zu Testzwecken gedachte Alpha-Version des beliebten Browsers auf den Rechner. Neue Funktionen von Mozilla Firefox werden zunächst immer mit Aurora getestet und schaffen es nicht unbedingt immer in die finale Version. Neue Web-Standards werden zuerst in Aurora implementiert. Durch den frühen Entwicklungsstand kann es zu Fehlern und Abstürzen kommen.

Mozilla Firefox 14 Aurora ist etwas für Entwickler und Ungeduldige. Die frühe Testversion läuft nicht immer stabil, bringt aber immer alle neuen Funktionen mit. Für den Dauergebrauch ist Aurora nicht unbedingt geeignet. Einen Schritt weiter als Aurora ist die Beta-Version. Für den täglichen Einsatz sollte man die aktuelle finale Version Mozilla Firefox 12 verwenden.


  • parallel zur stabilen Version installierbar

  • spannend für Entwickler und Ungeduldige


  • instabile Testversion

Mozilla Firefox


GData AntiVirus 2013 Free

GData AntiVirus 2013 Free

Mit GData AntiVirus holt man sich eine vielfach ausgezeichnete Antivirus-Komplettlösung auf den Rechner. Die Software sichert den Rechner vor nahezu allen digitalen Bedrohungen ab.

Zwei Scan-Module bilden das Herzstück des Virenjägers. Dabei greift die Software auf leistungsstarke Engines zurück, die jede Art von Datei, Mail-Anhänge und Bootsektoren nach gefährlichen Inhalten durchkämmt. Auch vor gepackten Archiven macht GData AntiVirus nicht halt. Dank der so genannten heuristischen Suche findet das Programm auch unbekannte Viren. Das integrierte Security-Center hält den Anwender zudem über aktuelle Virengefahren auf dem Laufenden.

Neuartige Bedrohungen aus dem Internet blockt die so genannte OutbreakShield-Technologie ab. Dazu schließt sich GData AntiVirus mit einer speziellen Scansoftware kurz, die weltweit auf Servern der wichtigsten Internetknotenpunkten den gesamten Datenverkehr analysiert. Verdächtige Dateien desinfiziert und löscht GData AntiVirus oder schiebt die Dateien in Quarantäne.

Mit der Kombination aus zwei Suchmotoren, der OutbreakShield-Technologie, einfacher Installation, benutzerfreundlicher Oberfläche und transparenter Arbeitsweise sticht GData AntiVirus aus der Masse der Antivirenlösungen heraus. Ein sehr empfehlenswert Schutz.


  • zwei Suchmotoren

  • transparente Arbeitsweise

  • zeigt die CPU-Belastung an


  • etwas karge Programmoberfläche

GData AntiVirus


Legend of Grimrock 1.1.4 Free

Legend of Grimrock 1.1.4 Free

Legend of Grimrock bringt eine moderne Variante bekannter Rollenspiel-Klassiker wie Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder oder Chaos Strikes Back auf den Rechner. Vier wackere Helden suchen den Ausgang eines labyrinthartigen Gefängnisses. Auf dem Fluchtweg bekämpfen sie zahlreiche Monster und überwinden mit gelösten Rätseln tödliche Fallen.

Vier Gefangenen droht in dem Rollenspiel Legend of Grimrock eine schwere Strafe für Hochverrat. Der König lenkt nochmal ein und gibt ihnen eine zweite Chance, sofern sie den Kerker von Mount Grimrock lebend verlassen.

Zu Beginn von Legend of Grimrock stellt der Spieler eine vierköpfige Truppe zusammen oder legt mit einer vorgegebenen Gruppe los. Zur Wahl stehen neben vier Rassen Spezialisierungen auf die Klassen Kämpfer, Magier oder Dieb. Man weist den Helden Fertigkeiten und eines von sieben Porträts zu.

Rollenspiel mit ungewöhnlicher Perspektive
Legend of Grimrock setzt die Gefangenen mit leeren Händen inmitten eines muffigen Verlieses aus. Ein paar Fackeln werfen ein schummriges Licht. Wie in einem Ego-Shooter blickt der Spieler aus dem Blickwinkel der Helden in die düsteren Flure. Mit den Richtungstasten springt man Schritt für Schritt vor- oder seitwärts.

Echtzeitkämpfe und Gameplay
Mit versteckten Schlüsseln, verborgenen Schaltern oder Bodenplatten macht man den Weg durch die vielen verschlossenen Tore frei frei. Monster bekämpft die Gruppe wie in Dungeon Master in Echtzeit: Die vorderen zwei Abenteurer gehen in den Nahkampf, während die hinteren mit Wurfgeschossen oder Zaubersprüchen angreifen.

Kämpfer versorgen und Zauberei erlernen
In Kampfpausen lässt man seine Abenteurer ein Nickerchen machen, wodurch sich Gesundheit und Mana erholen. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten aktuellen Rollenspielen muss man seine Kämpfer in Legend of Grimrock mit Nahrung versorgen. Ein Tutorial zeigt die wichtigsten Grundzüge der Steuerung. Feinheiten wie Kampftaktiken und aus Runen zusammengesetzte Zaubersprüche muss der Spieler während seines Abenteuers selbst herausfinden.

Freunde riesiger Verliese mit heimtückischen Fallen und gemeinen Monstern kommen mit Legend of Grimrock voll auf ihre Kosten. Die Stimmung von Dungeon Master fängt das Rollenspiel überzeugend ein: Es macht Spaß, in engen Fluren mit Monstern zu kämpfen - und auf der Hut zu bleiben, sich nicht in die Enge treiben zu lassen. Die für moderne Rollenspiele ungewöhnliche Perspektive und Steuerung erfordern unkonventionelle Kampftechniken. Fan-Dungeons sollen Legend of Grimrock auch längerfristig mit frischen Inhalten versorgen. Nicht ganz zeitgemäß sind einige eingestreute blecherne Soundeffekte und die Beschränkung auf wenige nicht weiter anpassbare Avatarbilder. Darüber hinaus fehlt eine ausgefeilte Rahmenhandlung.


  • moderne Grafik mit beklemmender Atmosphäre

  • sehr gut umgesetztes Retro-Gameplay

  • spannende Echtzeit-Kämpfe

  • ermöglicht ungewöhnliche Kampftaktiken


  • nicht alle Soundeffekte überzeugen

  • dürftige Rahmengeschichte

Legend of Grimrock


dimanche 27 mai 2012

Sweet Home 3D 3.5 Free

Sweet Home 3D 3.5 Free

Das Einrichten einer neuen Wohnung erweist sich gerade bei vielen Möbeln als problematisch. Der digitale Raumplaner Sweet Home 3D versüßt den Umzug in das neue Heim: Mit der Freeware plant man millimetergenau die Position der Einrichtungsgegenstände und verschafft sich per 3D-Ansicht einen Überblick über das zukünftige Zuhause.

Um einen Plan zu zeichnen, zieht man in Sweet Home 3D mit wenigen Mausklicks die Wände der Wohnung. Wer über einen Grundriss verfügt, importiert das Bild als Vorlage in das Programm. Schon während man die Wohnung oder das Zimmer in der zweidimensionalen Ebene zusammenbaut, präsentiert Sweet Home 3D in Echtzeit eine dreidimensionale Ansicht.

Mit Möbeln und Fenstern die Wohnung ausschmücken
Steht der Grundriss, richtet man mit zahlreichen Gegenständen das Haus ein. Möbel aller Art, Haushaltsgeräte oder Fenster platziert man nach Belieben. Auf seiner Homepage bietet der Hersteller weitere Einrichtungsstücke zum Download an. Die Maße der einzelnen Objekte legt man in Sweet Home 3D exakt fest und wählt die Farbe der Wände nach dem eigenen Geschmack aus. Der fertig eingerichteten Wohnung stattet man in einer subjektiven 3D-Perspektive einen virtuellen Besuch ab.

Mit dem kostenlosen Sweet Home 3D plant man sehr einfach die Wohnungseinrichtung im Voraus. Per genauer Eingabe platziert der Anwender sein Hab und Gut passgenau in der neuen Bleibe. Einzig die Steuerung der 3D-Ansicht von Sweet Home 3D erweist sich als etwas unpraktisch. Eine Alternative mit variablen Lichtquellen bietet Roomeon 3D-Planer.


  • vereinfacht die Raumplanung

  • anschauliche 3D-Ansicht


  • unpraktische Bedienung im 3D-Modus

Sweet Home 3D


Miro (Democracy Player) 5.0 Free

Miro (Democracy Player) 5.0 Free

Miro bringt Internet-Fernsehen auf den Rechner. Die Freeware lädt Videos aus dem Netz und verwaltet die Clip-Sammlung auf dem PC.

Miro funktioniert wie ein Fernseher: In einer eingebauten Programmübersicht zappt sich der User durch hunderte nach Kategorien geordnete Videoseiten im Netz. Hat die Voransicht eines Videos das Interesse geweckt, lädt Miro per Doppelklick den Clip in die lokale Videosammlung und spielt den Film auf Befehl im Vollbildmodus ab. Den Lieblings-Videoblog fügt man per RSS-Feed in die Mediensoftware ein.

Videoverwalter und Torrent-Client
Des Weiteren durchsucht das Open-Source-Programm unter anderem die Videoplattformen YouTube sowie Google Video und lädt die gewünschten Clips herunter. Sofern man ein Video nicht explizit speichert, löscht Miro das Material standardmäßig nach sechs Tagen. Neben den Webvideos verwaltet Miro auf Wunsch die komplette Filmsammlung auf der Festplatte und agiert optional als einfacher Bittorrent-Client.

Die Erfinder preisen Miro als die eierlegende Video-Wollmilchsau an. Tatsächlich kommt Miro nur dank des integrierten VLC Media Players mit einer ganzen Palette von Videoformaten zurecht. Das iTunes-ähnliche Design, der schnelle Download der Videos sowie die übersichtliche Clipsuche überzeugen dennoch auf ganzer Linie.



Telecharger Directshow Filters 0.85.17777 Gratuit

Telecharger Directshow Filters 0.85.17777 Gratuit est une fondation qui propose des logiciels et des algorithmes de compression multimédia libres (Ogg, FLAC, Vorbis...). Directshow Filters va vous fournir l'implémentation la plus complète des codecs de pour Windows et DirectShow.

Directshow Filters, composant de DirectX, inclut des décodeurs et encodeurs pour tous les formats de : .ogg, .oga, .ogv, .spx, .flac, .wba, .webm. Sous license BSD, les filtres peuvent être utilisés aussi bien par des applications open-source que des applications commerciales.

A faire avant l'installation
> Désinstaller les anciennes versions des filtres (si étaient installés sur votre PC).
> Fermer Windows Media Player ou tout autre application directshow (BSPlayer par exemple).
> Lancer l'installeur.

Avec Directshow Filters, vous pourrez ainsi lire votre musique préférée avec Windows Media Player au format FLAC, le codec audio qui offre une qualité d'écoute optimale.


samedi 26 mai 2012

Telecharger CCleaner Slim 3.17.1689 Gratuit

Telecharger CCleaner Slim 3.17.1689 Gratuit

CCleaner Slim est un logiciel de nettoyage qui sait à peu près tout faire en matière d'optimisation PC. Plus légère, la version Slim offre un avantage supplémentaire : le processus d'installation ne propose plus la barre d'outils Yahoo !

CCleaner Slim, toujours aussi efficace

La version Slim de CCleaner est légèrement plus simple à installer. Pour ceux qui ne souhaitent pas utiliser la barre d'outils de Yahoo !, l'éditeur de CCleaner a pris soin de retirer cette étape. Le résultat : aucun changement au niveau des fonctionnalités mais un allègement du fichier d'installation de quelques kilo-octets.

Les principales fonctionnalités de CCleaner Slim

- Effacer les fichiers obsolètes ou inutiles de votre machine (cookies, historiques des navigateurs, fichiers temporaires de Windows, etc)
- Nettoyer la base de registre Windows en toute sécurité
- Désinstaller de manière définitive les logiciels installés
- Gérer facilement les points de restauration système

Les autres versions de CCleaner

La version historique de CCleaner, également connu sous le nom de Crap Cleaner
CCleaner Portable à emporter sur une clé USB.

L'interface est limpide et agréable, le nettoyage efficace et rapide. CCleaner Slim fait tellement bien son travail qu'on aurait du mal à lui trouver un remplaçant.


Telecharger LG PC Suite 4.3.41 Gratuit

Telecharger LG PC Suite 4.3.41 Gratuit

LG PC Suite est le logiciel de synchronisation officiel de LG pour synchroniser le contenu des téléphones de la marque avec un ordinateur. Un utilitaire indispensable pour tout possesseur de mobile LG !

Premièrement, il faut savoir que tous les téléphones LG ne sont pas compatibles avec la version 4 de LG PC Suite. Les modèles avec lesquels l'application fonctionne sont les suivants : LG BL40, LG KM570, LG GT540, LG GS500, LG GD880, LG P500. (Plus bas vous pouvez télécharger les versions antérieures de LG PC Suite pour d'autres modèles de téléphones).

LG PC Suite utilise la fonctionnalité Air Sync pour synchroniser votre téléphone avec le PC de deux façons : via un câble USB ou Bluetooth. Un assistant de mise en route vous guidera pas à pas dans l'installation de la suite. A noter qu'il est nécessaire de créer un compte utilisateur pour se connecter et utiliser l'application.

Une fois installé, LG PC Suite vous donne accès et permet de gérer le contenu présent sur votre mobile : contacts, calendrier, notes, photos, musique, etc. Vous pouvez aussi transférer votre historique de navigation internet du PC au téléphone et vice-versa.

Dans les bonus, LG PC Suite vient livré avec On Screen Phone, le point fort de la suite. Cette application permet de visualiser sur votre PC ce qui se passe à l'écran de votre téléphone, en temps réel (avec le visuel de votre téléphone en prime !).

Autres versions de LG PC Suite à télécharger en fonction du modèle de votre mobile
> Version 2 : LG KP500, LG KU990, LG KU990i, LG KP501.
> Version 3 : LG GT500, LG GD900, LG KC910, LG KM900, LG GW520, LG GD910, LG GD510, LG GC900, LG GT400, LG GT505, LG GW300, LG BL20.


Telecharger Opera 11.62 Gratuit

Telecharger Opera 11.62 Gratuit

Opera mise une fois de plus sur l'innovation pour se distinguer de la concurrence. Surprenante et riche en fonctionnalités, cette nouvelle version joue dans la cour des grands. Pour connaître les tendances de demain et faire tourner des mini-applications à foison, c'est sur lui que vous devez miser!

Opera 11 remet la franchise norvégienne dans une excellente position face à une concurrence toujours plus relevée dans la catégorie des navigateurs internet. Face à Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer et Safari, Opera a bien négocié le virage du HTML5.

Comme toujours, Opera mise sur l'innovation, cette fois dans l'interface: la gestion des onglets est améliorée. On peut maintenant les regrouper, utile lorsqu'on a une dizaines d'entre eux ouverts en permanence.

A cela s'ajoutent la navigation par gestes de souris. Opera 11 intègre plusieurs commandes qui se déclenchent en maintenant le bouton de la souris puis en la déplaçant sur un côté. Ouvrir une page dans un nouvel onglet devient encore plus facile... On ne serait pas étonné de retrouver bientôt ces astuces dans d'autres navigateurs.

Autre nouveauté, les extensions. Opera 11 les intègre enfin, avec un catalogue de 200 à son lancement, qui devrait rapidement s'étoffer.

Côté performance, c'est du tout bon: Opera 11 gère les derniers standards du web à la perfection grâce à son moteur de rendu Opera Presto, parfaitement à l'aise avec le HTML5 et le CSS3. Idem pour le Javascript avec le moteur Carakan qui réagit au doigt et à l'oeil.

Résultat, un affichage des pages ultra-rapide, digne de Google Chrome. Le mode Turbo fait appel à des serveurs de cache hébergés par Opera pour accélérer l'affichage des pages. Efficace et simple à mettre en ?uvre, il devrait faire le bonheur des utilisateurs nomades.

On retrouve "Unite", un serveur Web au c?ur du navigateur pour permettre à tout un chacun de diffuser librement fichiers, musique et photos directement depuis son ordinateur.

Un compte Opera et une configuration indolore suffisent pour partager du contenu en ligne, lancer son propre serveur Web ou sa salle de conversation (chat). Seule contrainte, Opera doit être lancé pour que le contenu soit disponible.


vendredi 25 mai 2012

Telecharger Radmin 3.4 Remote Control Gratuit

Telecharger Radmin 3.4 Remote Control Gratuit

Radmin Remote Control est un logiciel de commande à distance complet et sécurisé, parfait si vous avez besoin de prendre la main sur la machine d'un ami qui a besoin d'être dépanné. Il est désormais compatible Windows 7.

Radmin Remote Control est livré avec deux exécutables: Radmin Server destiné à la machine à contrôler, et Radmin Viewer à installer sur le poste de contrôle à distance.

Une fois ces deux logiciels installés, vous pouvez manipuler un ordinateur à distance, clavier, souris et écran compris. Pratique quand on est en déplacement pour accéder à ses données ou pour les services de support utilisateur.

La configuration de Radmin Server comporte de nombreuses options pour définir les droits d'accès à distance. Vous pouvez créer de nouveaux utilisateurs et mots de passe spécifiquement pour Radmin ou utiliser la base d'utilisateurs de Windows.

La partie Viewer est très simple à utiliser. Il suffit d'entrer l'adresse IP, un nom d'utilisateur autorisé et son mot de passe pour accéder à la machine distante.

Plusieurs modes de prise de contrôle sont proposés pour un confort optimal. On apprécie particulièrement la gestion des systèmes multi-écrans, le mode étendu qui permet de voir l'ensemble du bureau même dans des fenêtres réduites ou encore le mode plein écran qui donne vraiment l'impression de se trouver physiquement face à la machine contrôlée.

Les performances sont très bonnes et à aucun moment nous n'avons rencontré de ralentissement lors de nos tests. En revanche, quelques petits bugs d'affichage persistent, notamment avec certains fonds d'écran. Vous ne pourrez pas non plus afficher de 3D ou de vidéo en plein écran.

Pour les tâches de support utilisateur ou d'administration, Radmin Remote Control dispose de fonctionnalités supplémentaires très pratiques. On trouve ainsi un module de transfert de fichier, un module de chat, l'envoi de messages instantanés et même la communication vocale entre les deux machines.

Complet et convivial, Radmin Remote Control est certainement l'une des meilleures solutions de contrôle à distance à l'heure actuelle.


SAP compromete su colaboración con la Fundación Ricky Martin

SAP compromete su colaboración con la Fundación Ricky Martin
La entidad está dedicada, fundamentalmente, a proveer un mundo seguro a los grupos de población más vulnerables, en particular, los niños. El acuerdo forma parte de las iniciativas de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa encaradas por la compañía proveedora de software en Puerto Rico e incluye aportes para la construcción del Centro de Desarrollo y Prevención que la fundación está levantando en el territorio.

SAP estableció una alianza con la Fundación Ricky Martin, una entidad pública sin fines de lucro, a través de la cual colaborará en algunas de las campañas clave que conforman el objetivo de esta institución, orientada a proveer un mundo seguro a la población más vulnerable. Así, empresa ayudará con sus aportes al desarrollo de campañas educativas, la realización de investigaciones y la recomendación de políticas públicas a favor de los derechos de menores, entre otras iniciativas.

El acuerdo prevé iniciativas de corto, mediano y largo plazo. Entre las primeras, se cuenta la remodelación de la sede de SER, institución que brinda oportunidades igualitarias para personas con discapacidades o con autismo y que es aliada de la Fundación Ricky Martin en la lucha en defensa de los menores.

“En SAP, estamos convencidos que una filosofía de liderazgo integral impulsa a nuestros empleados para generar cambios positivos a nivel personal y profesional. Un equipo logra componer un todo en un área en específico, como una casa; cada ladrillo, muro y barrera son esenciales para que la estructura esté fuerte y de pie", apuntó Andrés González, Director de Ventas de SAP Puerto Rico y el Caribe.

Pensando en el mediano y el largo plazo, SAP colaborará en diversos proyectos que van desde donativos de regalos para los niños hasta el apoyo en investigaciones como el “Estudio de trata de menores en Puerto Rico" que se está llevando a cabo en conjunto con la Universidad de Puerto Rico, entre otros. El aporte principal está destinado a ayudar en la construcción del “Centro de desarrollo y prevención" que está erigiendo la Fundación desde 2011 y que, se estima, estará en pleno funcionamiento en enero de 2013. Entre otras iniciativas, SAP planea armar allí una sala de tecnología en la que se podrán correr programas educativos para beneficio de los niños.

La Fundación Ricky Martin lleva una década de trabajo con el claro compromiso de detener la explotación de menores y el tráfico de seres humanos, un flagelo que se cobra 27 millones de víctimas de todo el mundo, según el Reporte de tráfico de personas 2011.

Imagen: Sitio oficial de Ricky Martin.
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Ver Hombres de Negro 3 en Español
Descargar Hombres de Negro 3 en Español

Telecharger Ski Region Simulator 2012 Gratuit

Telecharger Ski Region Simulator 2012 Gratuit

Ski Region Simulator 2012 vient bousculer quelque peu le monde des jeux de gestion. L'objectif : gérer au mieux votre domaine skiable. Aucune de vos stations de sports d'hiver ne doit être négligé : damer les pistes, contrôler l'enneigement, déblayer les routes et bien d'autres encore.

Non content de son récent succès avec


Telecharger ALLPlayer 5.1 Gratuit

Telecharger ALLPlayer 5.1 Gratuit

ALLPlayer est un lecteur audio et vidéo gratuit compatible avec de nombreux formats. Elégant, il est aussi doté de fonctionnalités intéressantes et peu communes.

ALLPlayer est d'abord une platine vidéo. Il peut lire aussi bien les fichiers vidéo comme les DVD. Il ajoute cependant deux options intelligentes et surprenantes. La première s'appelle IQ Subtitles, une sorte de système de visualisation intelligent des sous-titres, capable d'adapter leur vitesse d'affichage pour un confort de lecture accru.

AllPlayer peut aussi d'aller chercher les sous-titres d'un film automatiquement sur quelques bases de données en ligne. Des informations sur le film en cours de lecture sont aussi disponibles grâce à un lien vers

Autre option intéressante, la possibilité de visualiser la vidéo comme fond d'écran. Ce n'est pas une fenêtre additionnelle, ni un mode plein écran: la vidéo prend la place de votre "papier peint". Attention, machine assez puissante recommandée pour pouvoir profiter de la fonction en toute fluidité.

Lecteur multimédia gratuit au design de bon goût, ALLPlayer apporte quelques fonctionnalités novatrices qui justifient largement un essai.


jeudi 24 mai 2012

Download Free Video to iPad Converter 5.0.9

Download Free Video to iPad Converter 5.0.9

Free Video to iPad Converter esporta i video in formato MP4, perfetto per la riproduzione sull'Pad. In italiano, con un'interfaccia semplice e ben organizzata, supporta moltissimi formati di input. Peccato solo per il processo di conversione, un po' lento.

Con Free Video to iPad Converter potrai scegliere la qualità di output (tra Alta, Standard ed Economica) e il formato video e audio in cui convertire.

I video da convertire possono essere aggiunti con un semplice Drag and Drop, oltre che tramite il pulsante Aggiungi file. Puoi inoltre selezionare il percorso e il nome di output. Free Video to iPad Converter supporta un grande numero di file in entrata.

Davvero un'ottima opzione, per altro gratis, per vedere film e video sul proprio iPad. Peccato solo che il processo di conversione non sia sempre rapidissimo.


Download AutoCAD LT 2013

Download AutoCAD LT 2013

AutoCAD LT 2013 è un programma di progettazione CAD in 2D professionale. Gira su PC Windows e su Mac, garantendo totale compatibilità tra le due piattaforme. Supporta la tecnologia DWG, con cui condividi progetti in remoto con colleghi e clienti. Non offre strumenti di 3D modeling e di conceptual design.

AutoCAD LT 2013 offre gli strumenti che si richiedono ad un programma di disegno CAD professionale, ma possiede anche caratteristiche che lo differenziano dai prodotti concorrenti. Le più evidenti sono l'intuitività dell'utilizzo dei suoi tool e i servizi di sharing che offre, oltre al fatto di girare in modo nativo sia su Windows che su Mac, azzerando i problemi di compatibilità in ambienti misti.

L'integrazione di AutoCAD LT 2013 con Autodesk 360 ti permette di accedere a servizi avanzati di collaborazione multipiattaforma. La sincronizzazione dei file e personalizzabile ed offre modalità per ogni tipo di esigenza. Inoltre consente l'accesso diretto a AutoCAD WS (disponibile per Mac e per Android), un'applicazione gratuita che ti permette di guardare, editare e condividere file DWG anche dallo smartphone.

AutoCAD LT 2013 è compatibile con tutti i formati precedenti di AutoCAD LT e di AutoCAD, e ti permette di salvare i tuoi lavori con estensioni "antiche", tra cui R14 DWG e R12 DXF. L'installazione è molto lunga e necessita di una fetta generosa di spazio nell'hard disk, cosa che però non sorprende, considerato l'alto livello del software e il target professionale a cui è destinato.

Prima di scaricare la demo ti verrà proposto di installare Akamai NetSession Interface, un download manager. Questa installazione è obbligatoria. Una volta completata, il download di AutoCAD LT 2013 riprenderà automaticamente.


Download Sonic 2 HD 2.0 Alpha

Download Sonic 2 HD 2.0 Alpha

Sonic 2 HD è un remake del secondo gioco del famoso riccio blu di Sega. Grafica e sonoro eccellenti ma, per ora, solo un livello disponibile.

Sul podio dei personaggi dei videogiochi assieme a Mario e Link non può mancare Sonic, il riccio blu apparso per la prima volta su Sega Mega Drive. In Sonic 2 HD puoi rigiocare al secondo titolo in alta definizione.

Il gameplay e la giocabilità di Sonic 2 HD sono uguali al quelle del videogame originale: esplora il colorato mondo, distruggi gli animali robotici e colleziona anelli. E grazie a una ottima risposta dei comandi, giocare a Sonic 2 HD su PC sembrerà lo stesso che su console.

A fare la differenza è la componente grafica, il lavoro degli sviluppatori ha infatti permesso che un gioco rilasciato nel lontano '92 non stoni affatto sullo schermo dei nostri computer. Complessivamente, animazioni e sonoro migliorano notevolmente l'esperienza di gioco.

Sonic 2 HD è in versione Alpha e per adesso prevede un solo livello giocabile. Per un gioco dell?icona Sega in 3D prova invece Sonic Generations.


mercredi 23 mai 2012

Download KCleaner

Download KCleaner

KCleaner è un'utility gratuita e in italiano per effettuare una pulizia di base del tuo sistema. Può avviarsi insieme a Windows e permette di automatizzare il processo di pulizia

KCleaner si incarica di rimuovere i file superflui dal tuo hard disk. Il menu delle impostazioni ti consente di scegliere quali elementi trovare ed eliminare. Tra questi, file temporanei, file cestinati, cookie, documenti recenti, e la cache di diversi programmi di terze parti, come Firefox, Opera o Adobe Reader, giusto per citarne alcuni.

Dallo stesso menu KCleaner ti permette di scegliere le modalità di eliminazione: standard, con una, o con tre sovrascritture; oppure tagliando il nome dei file o rendendoli illeggibili. In più puoi decidere di eseguire automaticamente KCleaner all'avvio di Windows e di automatizzare le operazioni di pulizia ogni "x" ore.

Non raggiunge certo il livello di profondità di concorrenti come CCleaner, ma KCleaner è un'interessante soluzione per chi cerca un software per la pulizia di base del proprio sistema.


Download Speccy 1.16.317

Download Speccy 1.16.317

Speccy è l'ultima invenzione di Piriform, il produttore di CCleaner. È un'utility in grado di mostrare, con un'interfaccia molto chiara, dettagliate informazioni sui componenti installati nel tuo computer. Include grafici in tempo reale

Speccy può farti conoscere numerose informazioni sui componenti del tuo PC. Suddivide i dati in categorie specifiche per componenti come CPU, RAM, scheda madre, scheda video, hard disk, lettori ottici e periferiche audio. In più mostra dati generici sul sistema operativo utilizzato e una sezione di riepilogo con un colpo d'occhio sugli elementi principali della configurazione del PC.

I dati ricavati con Speccy sono numerosi: giusto per fare un esempio, e parlando di processore, potrai conoscerne il modello esatto, lo step della CPU, il numero di core, la frequenza operativa, le istruzioni supportate, la cache, la temperatura di ogni nucleo e altro ancora. Il dettaglio delle informazioni fornite piacerà ai più smaliziati.

Su certi componenti Speccy può mostrare grafici sull'andamento di temperature, frequenze e così via. Per aprire un grafico è sufficiente cliccare sul relativo pulsante in miniatura per ingrandirlo.

Speccy può anche realizzare uno snapshot per memorizzare i dati dell'attuale configurazione del sistema. Tale funzione è utile per poter poi comparare questi dati con quelli di un altro PC o del tuo stesso computer dopo un upgrade.


Download Adobe Flash Player per Internet Explorer (64 bit)

Download Adobe Flash Player per Internet Explorer (64 bit)

Adobe Flash Player 11 è tra noi. Si tratta dell'evoluzione naturale di uno dei plugin più importanti per browser web, necessario per fruire della maggior parte dei contenuti multimediali presenti su Internet. Questa versione a 64 bit è compatibile con Internet Explorer

Cos'è e a cosa serve Adobe Flash Player?

I video (come quelli di YouTube), i giochi e le animazioni in Flash sono da lungo tempo estremamente diffusi sul web. E puoi visualizzarli solo usando Adobe Flash Player, giunto adesso alla sua versione 11.


mardi 22 mai 2012

Download My Chrome Theme 1.0.1

Download My Chrome Theme 1.0.1

My Chrome Theme è un'estensione per Chrome con cui potrai creare temi per il tuo browser preferito in soli 3 passaggi! Semplicissimo da usare, è perfetto per chi ama personalizzare Chrome in tutti i modi possibili.

Ecco un plugin per Google Chrome che farà la gioia di chi vuole personalizzare sempre qualsiasi software che gli capiti tra le mani. Con My Chrome Theme puoi realizzare temi personalizzati usando le immagini che preferisci, tra quelle che hai sul computer. Puoi anche caricare foto prese direttamente dalla webcam.

Dopo aver installato My Chrome Theme nella schermata del Chrome Web Store troverai un nuovo pulsante: "Avvia". Dopo aver cliccato su Avvia si aprirà una nuova scheda in Chrome, da lì potrai iniziare a creare il tuo tema.

Scegli l'immagine da usare come sfondo, poi seleziona i colori che userai per i tab e poi... Fatto! Adesso non ti rimane che scegliere un nome per il tuo tema. E se vuoi puoi condividere con gli amici la tua opera, basta inviare il link che ti viene fornito al termine del processo di creazione. Per la spiegazione passo passo di come creare temi personalizzati, leggi il nostro post!

Insomma, se vuoi un browser a tua immagine e somiglianza, My Chrome Theme ti piacerà!


Download Tribes: Ascend

Download Tribes: Ascend

Tribes: Ascend è un FPS multiplayer free to play. Ambientato in un ipotetico futuro, è uno sparatutto veloce grazie anche agli sci e ai jet-pack.

In Tribes: Ascend dovrai imparare a muoverti. Sì, perché in aggiunta ai controlli dei classici FPS, dovrai manovrare gli sci e a usare i razzi a propulsione. Due caratteristiche che danno ritmo e vitalità ad uno sparatutto già frenetico di per sé.

Per attivare gli sci in Tribes: Ascend devi premere la barra spaziatrice, mentre per usare il jet-pack devi premere il tasto destro del mouse. Combinati insieme, questi mezzi ti permettono di muoverti a grande velocità mentre spari ad avversari che si muovono e volano altrettanto rapidamente. Maneggiare il personaggio richiede un po' di pratica, conseguibile grazie ai tutorial del gioco.

Le modalità di gioco di Tribes: Ascend sono le conosciutissime death match e capture the flag, la seconda delle quali è decisamente più divertente. Il gameplay del gioco è davvero frenetico, ma le dinamiche shooter sono molto più arcade del solito.

La giocabilità di Tribes: Ascend ricorda in qualche modo Quake e Counter-Strike, mentre l'ambientazione è simile a giochi futuristici come Blacklight: Retribution.


Download Tema Bolle

Download Tema Bolle

Tema Bolle è un tema per Windows 7 che ha per protagoniste le bolle di sapone. Ma non si tratta di bolle qualunque. Sono bolle che raccontano storie.

Alcune si rincorrono su un prato in primavera, apparentemente senza un pensiero. Altre salgono per mano verso il cielo, come in un gioco di bambini. Altre ancora, solitarie, si sono spinte in un sottobosco fresco e muto, forse cercando qualcosa.

Non solo: ci sono bolle che fuggono, che si baciano per un istante prima di diventare un vago ricordo d'amore, e bolle che, spaventate da un lampo di luce inatteso, si nascondono in fretta, e dal loro nascondiglio si burlano degli occhi meno esperti che ne cercano ormai invano le forme morbide.

Insomma: Tema Bolle non è solo un tema per Windows 7, con 13 foto in HD dall'ottimo contrasto con le icone e accompagnato da uno screensaver che è un tripudio di bolle colorate. No. Tema Bolle è un libro segreto, tredici storie di luce e silenzio che passano per il tuo desktop per perdersi in un sogno impreciso, chissà dove.


lundi 21 mai 2012

Download The Walking Dead Preview

Download The Walking Dead Preview

The Walking Dead è una nuova avventura punta e clicca prodotta dai maestri del genere, Telltale Games.

Conosci il fumetto Walking Dead? E la serie omonima? Con il gioco The Walking Dead, puoi essere tu ad avere a che fare gli zombi e a determinare la sopravvivenza della razza umana, in un'avventura point-and-click stile Monkey Island, ma con tinte molto più tetre.

Gli sviluppatori di Telltale Games sono un punto di riferimento nella categoria punta e clicca, lo abbiamo visto con Back to the Future e altri giochi. Ma The Walking Dead arricchisce l'esperienza con pericolosi nemici da combattere.

Come in Mass Effect 3, ogni tua decisione sarà irreversibile e influenzerà profondamente l'evoluzione della storia. In questo modo ti vedrai più coinvolto nel gioco e ogni volta che verrai posto di fronte a una scelta dovrai riflettere attentamente su cosa fare.

Graficamente, The Walking Dead è in stile fumetto, e l'impressione è quella di agire in un comic vivente. Le voci dei personaggi hanno un suono reale, mentre gli effetti sonori sono molto coinvolgenti. Un titolo da provare e che promette di dare un nuovo appeal al genere punta e clicca.


Download SRWare Iron Portable 18.0.1050.0

Download SRWare Iron Portable 18.0.1050.0

SRWare Iron Portable è un'alternativa a Chrome. Ripropone fedelmente il browser di Google ma assicura la tua privacy disabilitando ogni forma di invio dati sulle tue abitudini di navigazione. Non necessita di installazione e si memorizza su pendrive USB. Gratuito

Google Chrome è un browser leggero e versatile, ma non è il massimo per quanto riguarda la privacy. Crea un ID univoco per ogni utente e invia a Google alcune informazioni (in forma anonima) sulle tue abitudini di navigazione. Se non vuoi rinunciare a Chrome e nemmeno alla tua privacy, il giusto compromesso si chiama SRWare Iron Portable.

SRWare Iron Portable è la versione trasportabile di SRWare Iron, pertanto può essere memorizzato su chiave USB. Si basa su Chromium, il codice sorgente alla base di Google Chrome. A differenza del browser di "BigG" non crea alcun ID utente, non invia alcuna informazione a Google sulla tua navigazione e disabilita qualsiasi processo relazionato con l'invio di dati. Per il resto SRWare Iron Portable è un autentico clone di Chrome.


Download SkyFex Remote Desktop 3.4 Free

Download SkyFex Remote Desktop 3.4 Free


SkyFex Remote Desktop is a FREE online remote desktop service that allows watching and controlling remote computers in real time. It works transparently through firewalls, proxies and NAT. No special knowledge is required to use it. SkyFex is a secure service for remote support solutions and help desks. It works directly in web browsers (Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer) and doesn't require additional software installation and configuration.

Unattended access, remote file transfer (both ways), remote reboot, remote system info, remote to local printing, etc.

It's free and easy to use. The person on the remote computer just opens our website and follows your simple instructions.

You can easily install it to unattended PCs.

We provide an MSI installer, so you can deploy SkyFex via Active Directory.

SkyFex works directly through web browsers. It also works through firewalls, proxies and NAT.

It's not just free to try - you can use it for free for unlimited time.

The program is for both experienced and novice users. You can use it to help your mom with a simple problem. Experienced administrators can remotely access their computers and help their users solve complex issues.


  • Easy to Use

  • Free

  • Works through firewalls, proxies and NAT


  • Sometimes slower than competitors

Free Download
SkyFex Remote Desktop


dimanche 20 mai 2012

Download Multi Room Audio Player Free

Download Multi Room Audio Player Free


Multi Room Audio Player is much more than yet another media player. This one allows you to utilize all of your available hardware to provide different audio streams to each area of a public venue. This can all be done from a single, convenient centralized location. This makes the process much more efficient, negating the necessity to have separate computers and audio players in each area.

The software also provides some welcome extra features, including a 12-band equalizer for each audio stream, support for a wide variety of formats, and playlist organizers. Multi Room Audio Player is mostly of use to those who are in charge of music in public venues, though there is also a cheaper license available for those who need it for personal use.

Multi Room Audio Player is ideal for public venues with multiple rooms and areas. It allows you to control which music is played in which location from a convenient centralized location.

Multi Room Audio Player


Download Easy DC Search 1.2 Free

Download Easy DC Search 1.2 Free


Easy DC Search is a tool that helps to find files in the Direct Connect (DC) file sharing network. DC client applications, such as DC++, have limited search capabilities, they only search the hubs to which you are manually connected. With Easy DC Search you can search through all hubs in the hublist (well over a thousand hubs) to find files and hubs where they are shared.

* Fast multi-threaded search, up to 100 simultaneous connections

* Supports XML.BZ2 format hublists

* DC++ (and other DC client) integration. Connect to hubs by double-clicking on search results

* Search by file type, filter by minimum and/or maximum file size, available free slots

* Uses active mode for more search results

* Auto-refresh hublist on application startup

* Set custom hublist URL

* Set your nickname, share size, UDP port range, search timeout

Helps to locate hard to find files in Direct Connect file sharing network by seaching all hubs in the hublist.

Easy DC Search


Download Eveditor Free 1.1.1 Free

Download Eveditor Free 1.1.1 Free


Eveditor stands for 'Environment variables editor', the first Windows environment management application designed to be beautiful, easy to use, and yet feature-rich. Eveditor helps you organize and streamline your use of system variables - including the ever-fickle System PATH - and optimize your work environment without risk of losing valuable configuration settings. Eveditor brings simplicity, power and safety all at once.

Eveditor has native Windows 7 look-and-feel interface, it is familiar and friendly, and has been carefully designed to be clean and effective.

Easy-to-use system PATH environment variable editor

Editing of environment variables has never been so safe. Eveditor automatically validates names and values, so you don?t have a chance to get into a mess

Eveditor seamlessly integrates with Windows User Account Control

Automatic checking for the latest version

This program is designed for a power user or system administrator of a Windows workstation or a server or anyone, who is interested in managing environment variables on their computer. It also might be useful for computer science students.


  • Genuine Windows 7 user interface

  • Ease of use


Free Download
Eveditor Free


samedi 19 mai 2012

Download Watermark Image Free

Download Watermark Image Free


Watermark Images is an easy-to-use image editor that's been especially designed to apply personalized watermarks to your photos. The program can watermark complete folders and subfolders in one click, which comes in handy when you need to apply a watermark to multiple images, but not so useful if you're only working with one.

After unzipping Watermark Images (no installation required) you're ready to go. Simply select the folder where your images are stored and the folder where you want to save the watermarked images to. You also have the option to resize the images at the same time.

You can choose between image or text watermarks in Watermark Images, and in both cases you've got a few customization settings: transparency level, size, angle and position on the image. Plus Watermark Images lets you preview the result on the first image in the folder before actually applying the watermark to the rest of them.

Watermark Images works generally fine but has also some issues that prevent it from getting a higher rating. One is the fact that the preview function doesn't seem to work unless you choose to resize images besides watermarking them. Another one is a couple of error messages I got during the test; nothing serious, but annoying anyway.

With Watermark Images you easily mark photos as your property ? and maybe prevent people from using them without permission.


  • You can use images or text as watermarks

  • Works with complete folders

  • Highly customizable watermarks

  • Lets you resize images simultaneously

  • No installation required


  • Not that useful to watermark single pictures

  • Preview function doesn't always work

  • Some error messages

Free Download
Watermark Image


Download Coin Catalog Pro 2.3.2 Free

Download Coin Catalog Pro 2.3.2 Free


Benefits of Coin Catalog Pro:

- Maintain detailed data for all of your coins in one powerful software database

- Sort and filter your data by coin type, cost, grading authority, grade, etc.

- Save photos, documents and attachments alongside each coin - no more searching!

- Keep your valuable coin data information secure and For Your Eyes Only

- Fully Understand the Value of Your Coin Collection!

Coin certification, documentation and image storing functions included in the system.

Coin Catalog Pro Software lets you Organize and Analyze Your Coin Collection and Investments with Power and Ease!

Coin Catalog Pro was designed by database and coin collecting experts who take both databases and coins seriously.

Try the evaluation and see what the system can do for your coin collection.

Coin Catalog Pro is for coin collecting hobbyists, numismatists and vendors who demand a powerful and easy to use system for maintaining, organizing, and analyzing their coin inventory. A barcode scanner can be hooked up to the system and supported.


  • Easy to use and powerful.

  • Unlike any other product on the market

  • Make money in the gold, silver and rare coin numismatic marketplace


Coin Catalog Pro


Download BullZip PDF Printer Free

Download BullZip PDF Printer Free


Creating a PDF is probably easiest done using a virtual printer - simply add a virtual printer to your print options and you're done. BullZip PDF Printer works as a Microsoft Windows printer and allows you to write PDF documents from virtually any Microsoft Windows application.

This makes it an ideal plugin for anything like Microsoft Office or Internet Explorer and any other Microsoft product. BullZip PDF Printer allows direct output to the same file each time or it can also prompt you for a destination. In addition, it can ask you if you want to see the resulting PDF document as soon as you've created it.

Once installed, BullZip PDF Printer appears as a printer option in your printing properties. If you want to use BullZip PDF Printer as your default printer (if you're producing a large number of PDF documents) right-click on it and select it as your default printer. In addition, after you've produced the document, you can enter the BullZip PDF Printer console to add extras such as passwords to your PDF's or encrypt them with 128/40 bit encryption. The only downside is that there are few PDF printing options or even previews so the results may be hit and miss.

BullZip PDF Printer is an exceptionally easy way to create PDF's and ensure that they are always protected via password or encryption.


  • Protects PDF's with passwords and encryption

  • Easy to create PDF's from your printer options

  • Special options for e-books


  • Doesn't give you any PDF editing options

Free Download
BullZip PDF Printer


vendredi 18 mai 2012

Download Google Chrome Dev 19.0.1084.15 Free

Download Google Chrome Dev 19.0.1084.15 Free


This developer version of Google Chrome is a development release which allows those with programming knowledge to test and tweak features in Google's popular browser.

Compared to the latest stable version this edition contains subtle modifications that make it worth trying for die-hard Chrome fans. As you expect from Google Chrome, you get a web browser with a sleek, minimalist design.

Even compared with Safari and especially Firefox, the browser has very few buttons. All settings and options to choose your extensions are accessible via icons in the top right.

Please note that this version of Google Chrome is strictly a developer release, so bear in mind that you may occasionally encounter bugs and the developers are very keen to hear feedback on such problems.

The latest developer version of Google Chrome gives you a taste of what's to come from one of the fastest growing browsers out there.


  • Clean interface

  • Very fast surfing

  • Lots of extensions

  • Gives you a peek at what's to come in Chrome


  • Can be unstable

  • Aimed mainly at those with programming knowledge


Download iAidsoft Data Rescue 6.3.0 Free

Download iAidsoft Data Rescue 6.3.0 Free


iAidsoft Data Rescue is a powerful but easy-to-use data recovery software to recover data in any situation, no matter files emptied from Recycle Bin, data lost from formatted or damaged partition, or even file system is corrupted. It not only can recover data from PC hard disk, but also external hard drive, USB drive, memory card, SD card, etc. Not only documents can be recovered, but also videos, photos, audio, music, etc. are supported.

It is powerful but easy-to-use data recovery solution, no matter if your data is deleted by accidently, lost due to the partition formatted or damaged, etc, iAidsoft Data Rescue can help scan and recover lost documents, videos, photos, music, etc. from your hard drive, digital camera, memory card, USB drive, and other storage devices with simple clicks. iAidsoft Data Rescue is an ultimate data recovery software in easy operation which is perfect for both newbie and technician people.

Recover documents, videos, photos, music, etc. from various storage devices such as hard drive, USB drive, mobile phone, SD card, digital cameras, and more. No matter it is deleted from recycle bin, partition formatted, crashed.

iAidsoft Data Rescue


Download Dual Monitor Taskbar 1.17.040912 Free

Download Dual Monitor Taskbar 1.17.040912 Free


Dual Monitor Taskbar is a clever utility for Windows 7 that allows you to have a task bar on each screen.

Windows 7's taskbar is great, allowing previews and hover focus, but it can become difficult seeing which windows are open on which screen just from looking at the one taskbar. Dual Monitor Taskbar fixes this by putting another taskbar on the monitor that doesn't have one. This allows the user to better understand which windows are open on which screen.

Dual Monitor Taskbar fuctions almost identically to the standard Windows taskbar. Features like hover focus, show desktop, and preview still work flawlessly.

There are ton of options for Dual Monitor Taskbar. You can auto hide, show/hide the click, use large labels, change the position of the task bar, and more. You can even create rules for specific programs. There is even an option to add a second start button to Dual Monitor Taskbar, though that may be confusing.

Overall, Dual Monitor Taskbar makes the logic of grouping windows much improved for Windows 7. If you are a dual monitor user, Dual Monitor Taskbar is a must-have utility.


  • Maintains functionality of Windows 7 taskbar

  • Create rules for different program windows

  • Understand where your windows are


  • None

Free Download
Dual Monitor Taskbar


jeudi 17 mai 2012

Download Python 3.2.3 (32 bits) Free

Download Python 3.2.3 (32 bits) Free


Python has been tested by Softonic, but it still doesn't have a review in English. If you've already used Python, leave a review telling us what you thought.

Free Download


Download PHP Strategy Game Engine 072 [FIX] Free

Download PHP Strategy Game Engine 072 [FIX] Free


phpSGE is a cms / engine which create browser strategy game (like Ogame, Travian, or Ikariam Grepolis).

phpSGE is written in php with mysql database. To use phpSGE you just need host with PHP5 and MySQL (as altervista), phpSGE, once uploaded to your host, it will install alone will then also be set via the admin panel. You can change the look, add units, buildings, research, resources and change the various systems (such as maps, population / grain / energy or the warehouse)

Login with facebook, bridge for forum, plugin system

there is NOT a complete software as phpSGE, phpSGE can implement any strategy browser game, just need a little imagination.

phpSGE is self-installing, and is easily configured. The updates are very simple to do (just download the new version and rewrite that old!)

phpSGE is designed for those users who want to create their own browser game but do not know how to program

Free Download
PHP Strategy Game Engine


Download Calibre 0.8.47 Free

Download Calibre 0.8.47 Free


If you own an ebook (electronic book) reader, or just feel like reading ebooks on your desktop or netbook, Calibre will help keep them organized.

Calibre is a library for eBooks. It has a big, bold interface that's really easy to use, and ebook files of most formats can just be dragged into the Calibre window. Editing the metadata (title, genre etc) is just a case of hitting the button on the tool bar, and typing in your changes. You can select multiple books and edit them in bulk too, for example if you want to regroup some books in a particular genre.

Viewing is also just a button click, and opens an ebook reader window. Here you can increase or decrease the font size to your comfort, add bookmarks and more. You can also set Calibre to download feed from news websites, although the layout results are sometimes a bit odd. There is also, of course, ebook reader synchronizing, so you can easily keep your device up to date.

Free, open-source and easy to use, Calibre is a great e-book library tool and reader.


  • Convert, import and read your ebooks easily

  • Clear interface


  • RSS support isn't brilliant

Free Download


mercredi 16 mai 2012

Download AceMoney Lite 4.20.7 Free

Download AceMoney Lite 4.20.7 Free


AceMoney Lite is a freeware personal finance manager. It has all the features of its big brother except multiple accounts management. As AceMoney, AceMoney Lite helps people organize and manage their personal finances quickly and easily.
It supports all the features required for home or even small-business accounting needs:
Track your spending habits and see where the money goes
Generate any report by categories or payors/payees, including pie charts.
Now you can see at a glance how much you spent on food last month. Find all your withdrawals and deposits by any parameter.
Create and manage budgets
The program has more than 100 predefined spending categories.
Setup budget limits for every category and track the difference between actual and budgeted values.
Track performance of investments
Track 401k, Stock options, Employee Stock Purchase Plans or any other investment activities.
You don't need to enter the stock quotes manually: AceMoney will download them from the net.
Do your financial math in multiple currencies
The software supports more than 150 different currencies and automatically downloads their exchange rates from Internet.

Enjoy the convenience of on-line banking
Download and import information from on-line banks in QIF and OFX formats.
If you run a small business, export to HTML, Text, or CSV formats to generate statements or perform complex statistical analysis.
Don't miss the next deadline for bills
AceMoney takes control over your bills and shows you when they should be paid.

Double check
Enjoy the security of password protection of every file, scheduled backups and many other features without having any experience in accounting.

Plan debts and mortgage payments
AceMoney provides a loan calculator to plan debt payments and a professional mortgage calculator to estimate future morgage payments if you are planning to purchase real estate.

Do e-business with AceMoney
Are you selling goods on eBay? Are you in a shareware business? Do it with AceMoney! AceMoney automates input of orders coming from PayPal, RegNow, RegSoft, SWReg and Plimus.

AceMoney Lite


Download FileMenu Tools 6.1.3 Free

Download FileMenu Tools 6.1.3 Free


FileMenu Tools is a great addition to your context menu and a tool that will help users in the battle for increased efficiency and functionality.

When you right click on almost anything on your computer, a menu appears. FileMenu Tools takes this menu a little further, adding a whole bunch of extra functions. In addition to the long default list, FileMenu Tools also allows you to create your own actions. These range from copying, moving and deleting files and folders to changing file attributes and emailing a file to a third party.

Some of the FileMenu Tools options require extra interaction with the program, when renaming files for example, and if you want to do serious reconfiguration or add your own commands, you'll have to open the main FileMenu Tools window.

Here you can modify any of the options, removing the actions you don't use, re-ordering the ones you do and creating sub-menus and separators. Adding your own commands to FileMenu Tools is a little complicated, but there's a good help file that will get you moving towards the more advanced functions.

FileMenu Tools is an excellent tool for users who want extra control and functionality on their desktops.


  • Command line execution

  • Advanced rename for folders and files

  • Totally customizable


  • Adding commands is a little complicated

Free Download
FileMenu Tools


Download 974 Application Server Free

Download 974 Application Server Free


Develop powerful web applications that can be re-distributed quickly (and on the same server !) to your other clients.

Secure, clustered, load balanced to perfection your applications.

Set up collaborative processes faster processing of data between your various databases.

Abolish the limits that require the interconnection of two databases of different manufacturer, (and / or remote) and enjoy that even a different (and / or remote), they can be assimilated to a single database. Select two tables on two different databases, multi-transaction database ...

In summary you will earn:

_ Development time

_ The opening of your applications

_ A tool of luxury

_ Security

_ Simplicity

_ Unit

_ Power

_ High Availability

Particularly IT as the server processes a lot of issues "difficult" to master.

Pushed for use of the server, the concepts of cluster, certification,

load balancing, etc. ... are required!

Free Download
974 Application Server


mardi 15 mai 2012

Download VideoMach 5.9.3 Free

Download VideoMach 5.9.3 Free


VideoMach is a powerful audio/video builder and converter. Use it to construct video clips from still images, enhance your recorded material or convert video, audio and image files between popular media formats.

VideoMach features:

* Suports popular video and image formats (mpeg, avi, divx, flc, jpeg, png, tif, gif, bmp and more)
* Reads and writes standard Linux and UN*X image formats (xpm, pnm, sgi, ras and more)
* Supports most popular audio formats (mp3, mp2, ogg, wav, ac3)
* Imports the output of high-speed imagers and time-lapse cameras (bayer, cine)
* World's fastest image sequence detection, more than 50,000 images per second
* Professional-quality MPEG, AVI and Bayer readers, video is decoded at highest quality unlike in most media players
* Fastest software MPEG encoder, more then 120 frames per second
* Can read or write very large MPEG files, up to million terabytes
* Creates industry standard VideoCD MPEGs by NTSC and PAL / SECAM video specs
* Connects to both Video For Windows (VFW) and DirectShow (DS) interfaces ensuring support for vaste number of AVI codecs / subformats
* Easy to navigate but powerful AVI output video / audio codecs selection dialog
* Integrated media player
* Fast, compact and reliable installer with built-in anti-virus check

Free Download


Download Tribes: Ascend Free to Play Free

Download Tribes: Ascend Free to Play Free


Tribes: Ascend is a free to play online multiplayer FPS. With a Sci-fi setting, it adds jet-packs and skis to make a game which is incredibly fast and a real buzz to play.

Moving in Tribes: Ascend is the first thing you have to get used to. In addition to normal FPS controls, holding Space will activate skis, so you'll slide over terrain, where as the right mouse button activates your jet pack. Using both together and the hills, you can move around maps at incredible speed, and it's loads of fun.

The result of this speed means you'll be shooting at fast moving opponents, and sometimes the feel approaches aerial combat! So, Tribes: Ascend is not your serious army shooter, rather a fast paced arcade game relying on your fast reactions to hit opponents.

The two game modes are classic death match and capture the flag. The latter is the most fun - the speed of Tribes: Ascend makes this very different to normal FPS games. Players will swoop through enemy bases, picking up the flag and disappearing in moments. As everyone can fly for a time, finding a good spot to camp out and snipe from is a short lived experience.

While Tribes: Ascend is certainly different, the tight gameplay is reminiscent of Quake or Counter-Strike. It's addictive and fun from the start, but learning the subtleties and tactics necessary to win takes time.


  • Fast!

  • Great skiing and jetpack mechanics

  • Balanced gameplay


  • Only two game modes

Free Download
Tribes: Ascend


Download Free DocusTree 2 Free

Download Free DocusTree 2 Free


With Free DocusTree you can easily organize your documents, daily activities, calendar and webpages and navigate to them instantly. Access your documents, activities and webpages by clicking on the corresponding node of the tree structure.Free DocusTree, which is free , supports Rich Text Format (RTF) documents, Microsoft Word Documents, PDF Documents, ODT Open Document Format Text Documents, normal Text Documents, saved webpages and websites.

Ability to add documents to a tree structure.Quickly access your documents at a glance.Note calendar.Add pdf documents also add word documents and add webpages. It is free of charge.Many other options that make this software unique.

All users that want to manage their documents or todo lists also it is meant for office users that want to manage their projects.

Free Download
Free DocusTree


lundi 14 mai 2012

Download Gamma Control 3 Free

Download Gamma Control 3 Free


The purpose of Gamma Control is for the user to be able to control the gamma on their monitor, thus darken or lighten the screen when playing games or watching movies.

How it works:

"CTRL + ALT + +" to turn up the gamma.

"CTRL + ALT + -" to turn it down.

"CTRL + ALT + *" to make default gamma.

"CTRL + ALT + S" press this combination, and your gamma setting will go to Default.(useful in-game).

"CTRL + ALT + W" press this combination, and your gamma will go back to your last used gamma setting.(useful in-game).

By pressing a key combination, you can put your monitor to sleep - very useful if you have more than 1 monitor in your office, to set everything on stand-by when you leave.

There are not many alternatives out there, though the competition is currently growing - however, compared to the ones there are, this software is absolutely free, and very lightweight, hence using very few resources on your system.

The software was created for gamers, but it quickly showed that people used it for watching movies and for picture editing too.

Free Download
Gamma Control


Download Google Chrome 18.0.1025.163 Free

Download Google Chrome 18.0.1025.163 Free


Google Chrome definitely deserves its position as the browser to reckon with.

Chrome's outstanding features, like its download manager, incognito browsing mode and bookmark syncing, already make it a stand out app. In version 17, it adds a more new features, as well some tweaks that make it even more user-friendly.

New features

Being able to search directly from the address bar is one of the great things about Google Chrome. Now Omnibox, Google Chrome's address bar, will offer you various suggestions as you type. Depending on how accurate it thinks its results are, Chrome may even begin to pre-load a chosen page. Popular sites like Facebook and Twitter are now sure to load almost instantaneously.

You'll now also receive warnings when Google Chrome thinks a downloading file that might contain malware or something harmful to your PC. It does this by tracing the download's originating server and comparing it to sites on its blacklist. If you're concerned about privacy when it comes to Google looking at your downloads for potential malware, you can disable this feature within your browser preferences.

Updates and tweaks

Google Chrome introduces several smaller updates designed to improve the user experience. First, Google Chrome has improved page zooming to make it more consistent with other browsers - you can now zoom up to 500%. In addition, Print Preview no longer shows up in its own tab but rather appears in a highly-configurable modal window - this improves your workflow and makes printing even quicker. Google Chrome's History tab has also undergone a redesign. It now allows users to filter out or even remove specific domains you don't want showing up there.

There's also been an update to the V8 JavaScript engine and more than a dozen security fixes. In short, these changes make browsing even quicker - and using the internet even safer.

Chrome extensions

Last, but not least, there are also changes for extensions - not only can you now count on a range of Google Chrome extensions that rivals (and in many cases betters) Firefox's, but those of you with a more technical bent can take advantage of improved extension APIs, so if you've got an idea, it's even easier to make it into an extension yourself.

If you're considering making the switch from old favorites like Firefox or Internet Explorer, we'd wholeheartedly recommend Google Chrome as the browser of the future!

Google Chrome, Google's browser, mixes a clean, minimalist interface with a variety of powerful tools, making it a great browser.


  • Clean, attractive interface

  • Uses the same keyboard shortcuts as Firefox

  • Incognito browsing mode

  • Support for extensions

  • Can sync data between different computers

  • Pre-loading in Omnibox address bar


  • Syncing feature requires Google account

Free Download
Google Chrome


Download EasySVN 1.7.4 Free

Download EasySVN 1.7.4 Free


EasySVN from Assembla is a free Subversion client that has extra features to make it easy to use. It builds on TortoiseSVN, the most popular Windows client. It adds simple file sharing with automatic update and commit, and one-click upload and download. EasySVN works with any Subversion server, and is supported by Assembla and optimized for Assembla hosted repositories and free backend storage.

EasySVN is a very easy to use Subversion client. It adds simple file sharing with automatic update and commit, and one-click upload and download for local files and hosted repositories.

Professional and novice Subversion users.

Web and graphical designers.

Anyone who needs file-sharing and backup with versioning.

Free Download


dimanche 13 mai 2012

Download Quick Heal Internet Security 2012 Free

Download Quick Heal Internet Security 2012 Free


Quick Heal Internet Security is a security suite for your PC that offers a broad range of protection and tools for keeping safe. It aims to provide a computing environment free of viruses, worms, trojans and spyware.

After a fairly lengthy installation process, Quick Heal Internet Security will do a preliminary scan, which is obligatory. Assuming everything's OK, you can open the Quick Heal Internet Security interface.

The interface is totally standard for security applications, with a range of tools down the left side, and a main display for the contents of each tool. There's a Status control, scan tool, reports and more. Updates to Quick Heal Internet Security's virus database can be done automatically or manually.

Quick Heal Internet Security is a simple, easy-to-use security suite, but it suffers from being somewhat slow and from not having any stand out features. It's not bad, but is very generic and doesn't stand out from the crowd.

Quick Heal Internet Security is a reasonable security which offers good protection from incoming threats.


  • Collection of security tools

  • Clear interface

  • Easy to use


  • Fairly basic

  • Generic appearance

Quick Heal Internet Security


Download Freemake Video Downloader 3.0.1 Free

Download Freemake Video Downloader 3.0.1 Free


Freemake Video Downloader is a video downloader that works with more than 30 video hosting sites, including popular ones like YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe or even Facebook.

Using Freemake Video Downloader really easy. Simply copy the video URL from your web browser, paste it into the program?s interface and click the Add button. Freemake Video Downloader detects the type of video automatically, and offers several options to download and convert it.

One of the most outstanding features in Freemake Video Downloader is its interface design ? one of the cleanest, most elegant we've seen in this kind of apps. Buttons are big and easy to use, and videos are listed with thumbnail and some data such as title, length and file size.

On the downside, there are also some things missing in Freemake Video Downloader, such as the ability to monitor the Windows clipboard (so that you don't have to manually copy and paste the video link) and a built-in video player.

Freemake Video Downloader is an elegant, easy-to-use video downloader with which you can save a copy of your favorite clips on your hard drive.


  • Works with more than 30 video hosting sites

  • Nice interface design

  • Converts to several formats


  • No clipboard monitoring

  • No built-in video player

Free Download
Freemake Video Downloader


Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PES) Preview Free

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PES) Preview Free


2012 PES made some great improvements, but it still wasn't quite enough to catch Electronic Arts's FIFA.

All we know about Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is it's likely to feature Christiano Ronaldo once again as its cover star.

Last years game introduced a new AI engine and a raft of gameplay improvements, including the impressive 'off the ball' control system. This year we're hoping that the player models will look better, as FIFA really had much more lifelike players in 2012.

Check out the trailer for PES 2013 and tell us what you want to see from the game this year!


samedi 12 mai 2012

Download TweakNow RegCleaner 7.1.0 Free

Download TweakNow RegCleaner 7.1.0 Free


Free Download
TweakNow RegCleaner


Download CPU-Z 1.60.1 Free

Download CPU-Z 1.60.1 Free


Free Download


Download Adguard 5.3.343 Free

Download Adguard 5.3.343 Free


Adguard is an attractive, configurable app that lets you remove ads from web pages.

It's a lovely-looking program, with clean, clear lines, and easily accessible settings. Bear in mind that there are two ways of using Adguard - Basic interface and Extended interface. The Extended interface simply gives you more visible access to the more complex aspects of the program.

Adguard has a default setting that will give you medium ad protection from the get-go. In other words, if you never want to look at the nitty gritty, you don't have to. Simply start to browse as normal and you'll see your websites looking strangely bereft of ads. Adguard didn't manage to catch 100% of ads on the default protection level, but if there's one you've missed, you can block it yourself.

As well as offering protection against ads you don't want to see, Adguard also has protection from malware and phishing sites, and eliminates infuriating pop-ups. If you delve into the program, you'll see that it's also quite configurable. For example, although Adguard works with all main browsers, you can also make it work with lesser known alternatives, or tweak its filters to catch different types of ad. To see instructions about how to do this, look here.

Unfortunately, Adguard has a major downfall. It significantly slowed browsing during our tests, which was surprising, especially as the app claims to speed up loading! It was very disappointing and, unfortunately, not really a problem that we can overlook. Until Adguard sorts its speed problems out, it's almost impossible to recommend.

Adguard looks great, is easy to use, and does a great job blocking ads and pop ups. Unfortunately, it's too slow for everyday use.


  • Easy to configure

  • Lots of filters

  • Very easy to use


  • Slows browsing considerably

  • Doesn't work on all ads



vendredi 11 mai 2012

Download System Nucleus 2.3.2

Download System Nucleus 2.3.2

System Nucleus is een uitgebreid programma voor het analyseren van je systeem. De gratis software biedt informatie over alle geïnstalleerde onderdelen en de invloed die de software uitoefent op je computer.

Ben je graag op de hoogte van wat er op je harde schijf gebeurt, dan is een beetje hulp altijd welkom. System Nucleus spant de kroon als het om systeeminformatie gaat, want het toont in liefst 12 menu's alle mogelijke gegevens met het oog op jouw systeem. Zo neem je een kijkje bij de lopende processen, geïnstalleerde programma's & drivers en check je welke software samen met Windows opstart.

De informatie die System Nucleus offreert is ontzettend uitgebreid. Open je een menu dan verschijnt deze als tabblad in het hoofdscherm, met additionele functies per onderdeel. Als klap op de vuurpijl heeft System Nucleus ook alle standaardopties uit het configuratiescherm van Windows aan boord, zodat je de gereedschappen in één overzicht hebt (in het menu 'Tools'). Ondanks de potentie van System Nucleus is de overvloed aan functies niet voor iedereen weggelegd: vooral systeembeheerders smullen van de app.

Menu's, menu's en nog eens menu's. De honderden functies van System Nucleus zijn indrukwekkend maar slechts effectief voor getrainde ogen. Heb je verstand van systeemonderhoud dan is de software een krachtig instrument, zo niet dan raden wij het ietwat simpelere Glary Utilities aan voor onderhoud en Speccy voor snelle systeeminfo.


  • Veel uitgebreide informatie

  • Inclusief standaardopties van Windows


  • Alleen voor professionals