
mercredi 16 mai 2012

Download 974 Application Server Free

Download 974 Application Server Free


Develop powerful web applications that can be re-distributed quickly (and on the same server !) to your other clients.

Secure, clustered, load balanced to perfection your applications.

Set up collaborative processes faster processing of data between your various databases.

Abolish the limits that require the interconnection of two databases of different manufacturer, (and / or remote) and enjoy that even a different (and / or remote), they can be assimilated to a single database. Select two tables on two different databases, multi-transaction database ...

In summary you will earn:

_ Development time

_ The opening of your applications

_ A tool of luxury

_ Security

_ Simplicity

_ Unit

_ Power

_ High Availability

Particularly IT as the server processes a lot of issues "difficult" to master.

Pushed for use of the server, the concepts of cluster, certification,

load balancing, etc. ... are required!

Free Download
974 Application Server


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