Be warned: when you use the computer or browse the web, you're leaving behind traces of all you movements that can be easily tracked like breadcrumbs.
Luckily there's a way to avoid these clues: use Wipe and you'll be able to delete all those traces from your system in a very efficient way. What's more, Wipe includes support for the standard DoD 5220.22 algorithm, which renders deleted files unrecoverable.
When launched, Wipe performs a system scan in order to detect all the apps installed on your computer. After that, Wipe displays a list of all the supported programs and the items you can delete from them.
The list includes common software like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, WinRAR, QuickTime and Outlook Express, and deletes usual items like cookies, history of usage, recent document lists and auto-complete entries, among others. Wipe doesn't show the actual elements you're about to erase though, nor does it let you filter them in any way ? which would have been useful in the case of cookies, because you may not want to delete all of them.
Wipe can erase the whole list with a simple click on the "Delete" button, but you can also erase only specific items by right-clicking on them. When finished, the program shows the number of deleted files and the amount of recovered space. The whole process hardly takes a couple of minutes and also generates a log in case you want to see extended details about the deletion process.
With Wipe you can rest assured that your deleted files won't be recovered.
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