
mercredi 29 février 2012

Telecharger Keno Expert 6.0 Gratuit

Telecharger Keno Expert 6.0 Gratuit

Depuis son lancement par la Française des Jeux, le succès du Keno ne se dément pas. Comme pour son grand frère le Loto, la Toile fourmille de logiciels plus ou moins évolués conçus pour aider les joueurs à parier plus efficacement et, si la chance est au rendez-vous, rafler la mise.

Issu d'une étude algorithmique poussée, le TEA (Tri par Ecart Avancé), Keno Expert calcule à très grande vitesse les combinaisons du Keno, quels que soient les termes de votre requête. Le logiciel comprend pas moins de 1786 systèmes réducteurs pour couvrir tous les types de combinaisons du jeu ainsi que la gestion de l'impression sur bulletins.

Vous pouvez générer n'importe quel système complet, c'est à dire énumérer toutes les combinaisons parmi n'importe quel ensemble de numéros donné. Par exemple, vous pouvez énumérer toutes les combinaisons de numéros compris entre 1 et 70 pour ensuite les sauvegarder dans des fichiers, dans l'optique d'un retraitement personnalisé ou d'une impression sur bulletin.

Keno Expert est un bon outil, complet et simple d'utilisation, pour tenter de mieux appréhender la logique du hasard.


Telecharger Avant Browser Lite 2012 Build 21 Gratuit

Telecharger Avant Browser Lite 2012 Build 21 Gratuit

Marre d'Internet Explorer? Envie de voir autre chose que Firefox? Si vous avez envie de changer de navigateur internet, essayez-donc Avant Browser et son interface skinable.

Rapide, léger, stable et pratique à utiliser, il reprend le moteur du navigateur internet de Microsoft tout en apportant quelques innovations intéressantes.

Plus rapide qu'Internet Explorer, Avant Browser est aussi moins "passoire". Il est vivement conseillé à tous ceux qui veulent surfer tranquille: il intègre un bloqueur automatique de popups et de pubs en Flash, des sons, des vidéos et des composants ActiveX intempestifs.

Avant Browser comprend également un nettoyeur intégré avec lequel vous pouvez passer un coup d'éponge sur votre historique, vos URLs tapées, vos cookies ou vos fichiers temporaires avant de quitter votre session.

Côté confort de navigation, Avant Browser vous propose de disposer la barre d'onglets en haut ou en bas de la fenêtre. Toutes les barres peuvent être déplacées par glisser/déposer.

Comme dans dans Firefox, les nouvelles fenêtres s'ouvrent d'un simple Ctrl+N. Notez que vous pouvez stocker en ligne tous vos paramètres, favoris, mots de passe et fils RSS afin de pouvoir y accéder depuis n'importe où. Pratique.

En parlant des fils RSS: le navigateur possède un lecteur intégré RSS/ATOM qui évite d'avoir à installer une application externe.

Un très bon navigateur alternatif: rapide, en français, et plus léger que Mozilla Firefox et son chapelet d'extensions, Avant Browser mérite vraiment le détour.


Telecharger Meteo Fusion Gratuit

Telecharger Meteo Fusion Gratuit

IMPORTANT : Le logiciel n'est plus supporté par l'éditeur. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.

C'est bientôt les vacances que vous attendiez tant. Le repos, la plage et le farniente... Enfin, si le temps le permet. Meteo Fusion peut vous aider à remplir votre valise. Du moins, vous aider à choisir entre le maillot de bain et le ciré. Ce logiciel gratuit très pratique affiche la météo de n'importe quelle grande ville du globe en tant réel mais aussi les prévisions sur les dix jours suivants.

Hautement paramétrable, la catégorie "options" vous permet de sélectionner la ville de votre choix. Attention, l'éditeur étant anglophone, il vous faut taper le nom en anglais. Il est également possible de choisir les unités de mesures (degrés Celsius ou Farenheit), les skins, la police, l'ordre dans lequel apparaissent vos informations, le lancement automatique de l'application lors de l'ouverture de Windows ou encore la mise à jour automatique régulière (toutes les 30 minutes par défaut). Et pour le fun, vous pouvez même ajouter vos propres icônes pour remplacer le soleil et les nuages. Un logiciel comme Toycon pourrait s'avérer utile.

Très pratique et assez joli, Meteo Fusion s'intègre parfaitement à votre bureau. Dommage qu'on ne puisse afficher qu'une seule ville à la fois.


mardi 28 février 2012

Telecharger Ikea Home Planner 2010 Gratuit

Telecharger Ikea Home Planner 2010 Gratuit

Non content de meubler la moitié des foyers de France et de Navarre, le géant scandinave va bientôt devenir incontournable sur nos ordinateurs avec Ikea Home Planner!

Ikea Home Planner vous permet, de visualiser, meubler chaque pièce de votre demeure et même de budgétiser votre ameublement (chez Ikea évidemment) au centim?ètre près! Cuisine, Chambre, Bureau toutes les pièces de la maison y passent!

Pensé avant tout pour le client, Ikea Home Planner vous permet de créer vos pièces aux mesures réelles. Vous pouvez ensuite les meubler grâce à un catalogue impressionnant proposant tout le mobilier Ikea, intelligemment classés par pièce. Une fois votre pièce meublée, vous pouvez regarder le prix total de l?ameublement avec le détail de chaque meuble, grâce à une liste d?articles très bien pensée.

Très complet et intuitif, Ikea Home Planner vous propose plusieurs angles de vue pour vos pièces: celle du dessus (plan) est très bien pour dessiner la pièce aux bonnes mesures. Une fois commencé l?aménagement de votre pièce, vous pouvez passer à la visualisation en 3D, qui vous offre une infinité de point de vue.

Concernant les meubles d?Ikea, vous pouvez sélectionner jusqu?à leur texture et matière. A noter aussi la possibilité de revenir en arrière très facilement. Enfin vous enregistrez votre projet directement en ligne, sur le serveur d?Ikea. Il vous suffit d?un nom d?utilisateur et un mot de passe pour pouvoir y accéder de n?importe quel ordinateur mais surtout? des magasins Ikea!

Très bien pensé et complet, Ikea Home Planner est l?outil idéal pour penser l?aménagement de sa maison? au style Ikea ! Seul regret, le manque de textures et de personnalisation des meubles qui laisse peu de choix? On attend la prochaine version avec impatience!


Telecharger Guitar Guru 3.2.2 Gratuit

Telecharger Guitar Guru 3.2.2 Gratuit

Guitar Guru est un logiciel interactif d'apprentissage de la guitare à l'approche inédite.

Sa principale différence avec d'autres logiciels du même type: vous apprendre à jouer des morceaux, et non des techniques hors contexte. Une fois votre chanson sélectionnée dans la base de Musicnotes, vous aurez accès à un véritable atelier de guitare sur mesure.

Pour chaque chanson chargée, Guitar Guru propose une vue réaliste de l'instrument. A l'aide d'un code couleur astucieux, le logiciel vous indique comment placer vos doigts sur le manche et les cordes. Vous pouvez ainsi apprendre à jouer un morceau sans connaître les tablatures ou le solfège.

Le lecteur audio intégré permet de synchroniser la leçon avec la lecture du CD original ou un fichier audio au format MP3 ou WMA. Il est possible de ralentir la lecture pour travailler un passage difficile et un synthétiseur intégré permet de jouer la chanson en MIDI si vous n'avez pas la version originale. Vous retrouverez enfin des outils plus classiques, accordeur et métronome, qui vous aideront à travailler votre instrument efficacement.

Gratuit, Guitar Guru a de quoi rapidement devenir votre meilleur allié pour apprendre à jouer de la guitare. A vous de jouer!


Telecharger MonPoids 2.0 Gratuit

Telecharger MonPoids 2.0 Gratuit

Comme son nom l'indique, MonPoids est une application gratuite conçue pour vous aider à calculer votre courbe de poids et estimer votre Indice de masse corporelle (IMC). Grâce à ce logiciel très simple à utiliser, vous pourrez enregistrer le poids journalier (lever et/ou coucher), enregistrer les apports (repas, grignotage, soda,...) et dépenses énergétiques (activités physiques) de façon quotidienne.

Autre fonction de MonPoids: la possibilité de tracer la courbe de votre poids en la comparant aux courbes théoriques (surpoids, poids "idéal", maigreur), de même que la courbe du bilan énergétique. Celle-ci s'obtient à partir de la différence journalière entre les apports dus à l?alimentation et les dépenses dues aux activités physiques. Vous serez ainsi en mesure d'analyser l'évolution de votre poids et de votre bilan énergétique pour une période sélectionnée.

Complet et bien pensé, MonPoids rendra service aux personnes qui souhaitent se lancer dans un régime, ou tout simplement surveiller leur poids.


lundi 27 février 2012

Telecharger Bubble Foot Belgique 3.261.0 Gratuit

Telecharger Bubble Foot Belgique 3.261.0 Gratuit

Bubble Foot est un petit ballon qui vous tient au courant de l'info du foot belge et international en temps réel sans que vous ayez à farfouiller partout sur le Net. Les news viennent directement sur votre bureau.

Le ballon prend place sur l'écran de votre ordinateur, toujours par-dessus les autres documents ouverts. Un clic et voilà qu'apparaît le carrousel vous donnant accès à de fameux sites internet consacrés au football. Au programme, des sites d'information, des blogs, des radios Podcasts, des photos et des paris en ligne.

Mieux: dans la partie "Matches en direct, vous pouvez vous connecter directement sur les radios RTL Belgique, RMC, ou Europe1.

Dans le détail, Bubble Foot vous offre dans de petites fenêtres les dernières actus du ballon rond. En quelques secondes, vous pouvez voir les derniers articles parus sur 11Online, FootScore les derniers podcasts disponibles sur les sites de RMC, RTL ou Europe1 et même les vidéos taggées "football" sur DailyMotion ou YouTube. Il est même possible de recevoir des photos sexy de pulpeuses footballeuses.

Bubble Foot est aussi paramétrable. Vous pouvez choisir les sites auxquels vous avez accès et définir ceux qui apparaissent depuis le systray. Il s'agit ici des "sentinelles" qui jaillissent dès qu'une info nouvelle arrive. N'en sélectionnez pas trop, vous seriez vite submergé. Au pire, vous pouvez toujours suspendre vos alertes entre 30 minutes et 4 heures.

Bubble Foot est un programme indispensable pour les passionnés de football qui ne veulent pas perdre une miette de l'actualité. Du foot sans arrêt sur votre PC, c'est madame qui va être contente.


Telecharger Finale 2012 Gratuit

Telecharger Finale 2012 Gratuit

Musiciens, stimulez votre créativité ! Plus puissant et plus rapide que jamais, Finale 2012 vous offre des possibilités quasi infinies pour composer, arranger et imprimer votre musique. Avec son interface intuitive, cet éditeur de référence vous permet de mettre en forme sur partition les airs qui vous trottent dans la tête, rapidement et facilement.


Telecharger CCleaner 3.15.1643 Gratuit

Telecharger CCleaner 3.15.1643 Gratuit

CCleaner automatise le nettoyage de l'ordinateur en quelques clics. Puissant, gratuit et simple à utiliser, il analyse dans un premier temps les fichiers temporaires de Windows, le cache de votre navigateur et de vos applications, puis propose d'effacer les fichiers obsolètes ou inutiles.

Un nettoyage régulier s'impose pour sauvegarder votre système et protéger sa vie privée. Seulement voilà: ces fichiers sont éparpillés de telle manière sur votre disque dur qu'il est difficile, voire impossible, de les supprimer manuellement. CCleaner est là pour retrouver et éliminer tous ces fichiers superflus.

Des garde-fous empêchent d'effacer par mégarde des fichiers importants et CCleaner peut être lancé automatiquement à chaque démarrage pour une optimisation constante.

De nombreuses applications sont directement reconnues par CCleaner. On peut ensuite sélectionner les éléments à supprimer pour chaque application: historique, fichiers temporaires, saisie semi-automatique, etc. Il est aussi possible de paramétrer manuellement des dossiers qui seront vidés à chaque nettoyage.

CCleaner va encore plus loin et propose des outils de nettoyage pour la base de registre, le menu de désinstallation des programmes et la liste des programmes lancés au démarrage.

L'interface est limpide et agréable, le nettoyage efficace et rapide. CCleaner fait tellement bien son travail qu'on aurait du mal à lui trouver un remplaçant.


dimanche 26 février 2012

Telecharger Nokia Racing 2.0 Gratuit

Telecharger Nokia Racing 2.0 Gratuit

Gratuite, Nokia Racing est une simulation automobile de course contre la montre. Le but ? Parcourir la plus grande distance possible et battre votre record personnel. Pour pimenter le tout, vous pouvez défier vos amis en Bluetooth.

Aux antipodes du jeu de course auto à sensations fortes comme Asphalt Adrenaline 6 HD, Nokia Racing mérite pourtant toute votre attention. Pour parcourir de longues distances, il faut en effet faire preuve de stratégie et de tactique afin d'éviter les obstacles du mieux possible.

Votre voiture se déplace toujours à la verticale. En chemin, vous devez collecter les bidons d'essence et les kits de secours tout en évitant les dangers de la route et les autres utilisateurs. A chaque collision, vous perdez de l?énergie et lorsque votre jauge est à zéro, la course est finie.

Le principe de Nokia Racing est simple mais le gameplay est plus complexe qu'il n'en a l'air. Garder votre voiture en bon état de marche n'est pas une mince affaire. La jouabilité est adaptée au titre, ni trop simple, ni trop compliquée.

Les graphismes sommaires de Nokia Racing lui permettent de fonctionner de manière fluide sur de nombreux téléphones. On apprécie également la difficulté progressive de Nokia Racing. Plus vous progressez, plus les challenges qui se posent à vous sont exigeants.

Gratuit, Nokia Racing est un petit jeu très fun surtout en mode multijoueurs. Un indispensable !


Download FotoMix 8.7.4 Free

Download FotoMix 8.7.4 Free


FotoMix helps you create original photo compositions by adding people from another picture onto a different background.

This is usually a trick for Photoshop experts, but now with FotoMix you can also create that illusion, even if you have no idea about how to use Adobe?s editor. The program has been especially designed to help you achieve this effect in the easiest way possible.

FotoMix features a simple interface divided into several tabs, each for a specific purpose: select background image, select foreground image, create a composition with them and add up some final touches.

Using FotoMix is really simple: all you have to do is select the background image, the foreground person or object you want to use and apply one onto the other. Then simply erase the redundant background in the Composition tab, and polish the result in the Touch up tab. The resulting image can be embellished with a frame and saved in several different graphic formats.

FotoMix is a handy tool for photo composition that doesn't require any graphic editing skills. On the downside, more advanced users will find it annoyingly limited: the tools are too basic, and there?s no undo function when you?re mixing the foreground and background images.

FotoMix is an easy-to-use photo editor that lets you create image compositions without any editing skills.


  • No image editing skills required

  • Simple tabbed interface


  • A bit limited

  • Results may vary

Free Download


Download CDBurnerXP Portable Free

Download CDBurnerXP Portable Free


CDBurnerXP is already a renowned program among recording applications, so its portable version could only be a pocket-sized variation of an excellent tool.

CDBurnerXP Portable features the powerful recording tools of its original version arranged into a USB-sized application that doesn't even require installation. You can burn data discs, music discs, ISO images and also copy discs all from your memory stick, without leaving any traces on the host computer.

CDBurnerXP Portable supports CD, DVD (including HD-DVD) and also Blu-Ray discs. The program features a launching menu where you can choose the task you want to do, so that it opens the corresponding application in a separate window. From that moment on, the recording process follows the standard procedure: select data to burn, press the Record button, tweak burning settings and you're done.

Too bad this portable version is not updated as often as the original one; other than that, it's an excellent choice for quick recording tasks.

CDBurnerXP Portable lets you carry all the great features of the powerful CDBurnerXP burning tool right in your pocket.


  • It's portable

  • Easy to use

  • Support for several recording tasks


  • It's not updated as often as CDBurnerXP

Free Download
CDBurnerXP Portable


Download ThunderSoft Flash to Video Converter 1.3.0 Free

Download ThunderSoft Flash to Video Converter 1.3.0 Free


ThunderSoft Flash to Video Converter is a professional Flash converter for Flash SWF to video conversion. It helps to convert Macromedia Flash SWF to AVI, MPEG, iPod/PSP (MP4), MOV, MKV, WMV and more other popular formats with rich editing functions such as crop, add watermark.

Convert SWF to video format AVI,MPEG,MOV,MKV,WMV

Convert SWF to video format MP4 for playback on iPod, iPhone, PSP

Convert SWF to flash video format FLV

Supports image logo or watermark

Allow corp the flash movie for the output

Profile setting for output format to set video and audio parameters

User interactive conversion process

Manual and Automatic finish convert are available

Audio capture technology 100% keeps the original sound effect

someone who need convert flash file(.swf) to video format, such as avi,mpeg,mov,flv,wmv,mp4 files.

ThunderSoft Flash to Video Converter


samedi 25 février 2012

Download OfficeFIX 6.77 Free

Download OfficeFIX 6.77 Free


A file recovery tool, OfficeFIX is a Microsoft Office document recovery Software designed to repair Office 2003 files as well as all other Office versions including 2007.
OfficeFIX is for Access, Excel, Word and Outlook files that can no longer open or are not working correctly. Using Office recovery services will not keep your files' confidentiality.



Download Crave Invoice Pro 1.3 Free

Download Crave Invoice Pro 1.3 Free


Crave Invoice Pro allows you to create quotations, invoices and easily manage your customer receivables. You can also setup and generate recurring invoices. You can email quotations and invoices directly to your customer from within the software
Crave Invoice Pro


Download PowerArchiver 2012 12.10 Free

Download PowerArchiver 2012 12.10 Free


PowerArchiver 2012


Download Fresh HTML 3.66 Free

Download Fresh HTML 3.66 Free


Fresh HTML is a free HTML editor for people with next to no previous experience in hand-coding websites.

Ten years ago, creating a website was a complicated process. Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and other web design languages was almost always needed in order to make anything even remotely workable online. That's not really the case any longer, which is great for would-be web designers who don't have time to teach themselves every coding nuance out there.

Fresh HTML takes away that hassle and lets you design the website you've been envisioning, even without any knowledge of the process. The narrow right-hand program pane has a variety of different options you can click on to insert anything from an image to a complicated HTML table. Fresh HTML lets you define factors like width, height, and location on the web page.

The middle window pane on Fresh HTML gives you alternating views between what the page will end up looking like and what the actual HTML code you've inserted looks like. Fresh HTML's text view is also color-coded, making it even easier to see what's been inserted to make the page and where it's showing up, in terms of the actual coding. This is great for website makers who want to teach themselves a little bit about how the coding actually works.

Unfortunately, there's no dual pane view for the web page preview and HTML code page in Fresh HTML. If you want to look at both windows, you're forced to click between tabs to see them. For complete HTML beginners, Fresh HTML also does take a little time to get the hang of.

Fresh HTML doesn't come close to professional HTML editors, but for beginners it's great entry point to the world of website creation.


  • Easy to use and navigate

  • Many different code insertion options

  • Color-coded HTML code page


  • Difficult to edit your code if it comes out wrong

  • No dual view of the HTML editor and page preview

Free Download
Fresh HTML


Download beaTunes 3.0.12 Free

Download beaTunes 3.0.12 Free


If you're looking for something a little bit more intuitive when it comes to building playlists for iTunes and your iPod then you might be impressed with that beaTunes can do.

beaTunes works by analyzing the songs in your existing iTunes library and then correcting discrepancies such as double entries, incorrectly labeled songs and artists, misplaced genres and much more. When you run the library inspector on startup, it will display the errors or problems it has found and then ask you how many of them you'd like to correct. In the trial version, you can't make any corrections but you can see what's wrong with your collection.

beaTunes can also auto organize playlists by such things as genre, rating and even beats per minute. It could be regarded as a virtual DJ although as with all apps like these, some of the suggestions and mixes it will make will inevitably be a bit dodgy. beaTunes goes beyond what you've got installed on your Mac though, and interacts with both the iTunes store and Amazon database. This allows you to discover albums related to your music that you might not have heard or just follow the Amazon charts. The Amazon charts take a little while to load but you're presented with a thumbnail of each album currently in it plus you can divide the charts into genres too.

beaTunes is a nice little application that could help clean up your iTunes collection and introduce you to new music.



vendredi 24 février 2012

Download uTorrent (µTorrent) 3.1.26650 Free

Download uTorrent (µTorrent) 3.1.26650 Free


uTorrent is one of the most popular BitTorrent clients out there for several reasons: it's fast, lightweight, easy to use and very efficient.

The new uTorrent 3 introduces lots of changes to the previous version. To begin with, the program sports a totally redesigned interface: more usable, easier to use and a perfect match for uTorrent?s web interface. Besides the new design, uTorrent 3 lets you play media in streaming as you download, rate and comment torrent files, drag and drop files to share them, and disable the UDP tracker.

After a quick installation process (although there are quite a few prompts to install browser add-ons etc) and a handy built-in speed test to make the initial setting much easier, uTorrent is ready. The program takes up minimal hard drive and PC resources, which enables you to have a good amount of torrents downloading and still be able to use your computer without any lag.

uTorrent's lightness and simplicity doesn't necessarily mean lack of features. On the contrary, the program includes everything you would expect from a complete, reliable torrent downloader: highly detailed stats, support for RSS feeds, automatic shutdown, download scheduler and more. There are a couple things that uTorrent is missing though: a full torrent search tool and a built-in player to preview your downloads.

Just like previous versions, uTorrent 3 is easy enough to use for everyone no matter what their level of computer expertise is, but it also includes dozens of configuration settings that will please the most tech-savvy users. Also, this new version includes several beginner-oriented guides to make sure everybody can make the most of it.

If you're searching for a reliable, fast and lightweight torrent client, look no further: uTorrent is what you need.


  • Simple, easy to use interface

  • Handy connection test for faster set-up

  • Extensive torrent download information

  • Small footprint on drive space and system resources


  • No built-in player

  • Limited search options

Free Download


Download Wise Disk Cleaner Portable Free 6.39 Free

Download Wise Disk Cleaner Portable Free 6.39 Free


Wise Disk Cleaner Portable helps you recover space on your hard drive by removing all sorts of junk files easily and fast.

The good thing about Wise Disk Cleaner Portable is that it works with lots of different formats, from temporary internet files to installation logs, including user temporary files, old files and index files ? with support for a wide range of extensions. Plus you can add a list of folders to include in the cleanup, and filter special file types by including them in the exclusion list.

When launching Wise Disk Cleaner Portable you?ll be presented with a wizard that guides you step by step through the whole process. You can select which types of file you want to remove and the location you want to scan, along with tweaking a few options. The procedure can be automated, meaning you can schedule cleanups and also tell Wise Disk Cleaner Portable to auto-exit once the task is completed.

Wise Disk Cleaner Portable features an easy-to-use, customizable interface. The program also includes a built-in basic defragmenting tool. On the downside, the program is quite slow, especially if you?re removing lots of files.

With Wise Disk Cleaner Portable you can easily recover lots of space in your hard drive, simply by deleting useless files.


  • Searches for and deletes a wide range of temporary file types

  • Options for adding file extensions and filtering file types

  • Built-in defragmenter

  • Support for scheduled tasks

  • No installation required


  • Scans can be quite slow

Free Download
Wise Disk Cleaner Portable


Download IgorWare Hasher 1.4.3 Free

Download IgorWare Hasher 1.4.3 Free


IgorWare Hasher is a free and portable SHA-1, MD5 and CRC32 hash generator for files and text. It can be used to generate checksums for a single file and save cheksums in verification files (.sha, .md5 and .sfv) or verify its integrity by using verification files generated by Total Commander and FreeComander. Supports UTF-8 verification files. Verification files will be loaded automatically if found.

It's very lightweight, designed to be portable so it doesn't use registry to store it's settings.

Automatically loads verification hash values from clipboard and files.

It can save hash values to verification files and/or copy hash values to clipboard.

It's meant for users who need to check file integrity, users who usually download a lot of files from the internet...


  • supports Unicode file names


Free Download
IgorWare Hasher


Download SCBCD 5 Certification Training Lab 1.1 Free

Download SCBCD 5 Certification Training Lab 1.1 Free


SCBCD 5 Certification Training Lab is the world's best exam simulator uniquely developed by PPA methodology. You can Plan your goals, practice and achieve your goals. Customers have rated our product as the best product for IT certificate preparations. Apart from exhaustive mock exams, we provide review tips for all objectives, real time program examples and explanation. We also provide interactive quiz exams. All the questions have explanations.

Exclusively developed for individuals preparing for Oracle?s Java Enterprise Edition 5 Business Component Developer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-860) preparation.

This software book delivers complete study material for Oracle?s Java Enterprise Edition 5 Business Component Developer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-860) to achieve Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Business Component Developer Certification.

This simulator is developed by experienced Java experts with review tips, real-world program examples, and challenging sample mock exam questions that systematically prepare you for the actual exam.

Training Presentation - For each topic, short notes are provided (e-book format) to ease in revising the topics and attend Basic Sessions flash card exam.

SCBCD 5 Certification Training Lab


Download 2012 12-Month Basic Calendar Free

Download 2012 12-Month Basic Calendar Free


2012 12-Month Basic Calendar is a great Microsoft Word 2010 template that will let you create your own, personalized, downloadable calendars.

As the name suggests, 2012 12-Month Basic Calendar will create a standard 12-month calendar for 2012. You can also create a calendar for any other year simply by clicking Select New Dates under the Calendar tab.

Once you open the 2012 12-Month Basic Calendar in Word, the application will do most of the work for you. You'll see each of the 12 months created and in place, just leaving you to set the design how you like, add in your important dates and print it out to hang on your wall.

In order to decorate and style your printable calendar, hit the Themes button under the Calendar tab. Here you'll be able to try on the various 2012 12-Month Basic Calendar styles for size before deciding on a final option. To add in important dates, just click and type as normal and, of course, there's nothing to stop you making old-fashioned changes with a pen later!

For a simple, easy-to-use 2012 printable calendar, check out 2012 12-Month Basic Calendar.


  • Very easy to use and customize

  • Nice, minimalist appearance


  • Lacks interesting extras

Free Download
2012 12-Month Basic Calendar


jeudi 23 février 2012

Download CrossDJ Free 1.7.1 Free

Download CrossDJ Free 1.7.1 Free


CrossDJ Free is an excellent digital DJing app, letting you blend your music files together in a continuous, synchronized mix.


With a clear, light grey interface, CrossDJ Free looks good. There are two decks, with waveforms displayed for each. Above the decks both waveforms are shown together, so you can easily see how beats match up. There are quite a lot of controls squeezed into CrossDJ Free's interface, but they are all useful. Each deck has cue and play controls, and you can save up to six play locators for each track.

Beats per minute are automatically calculated, and can be changed if incorrect. We found the beat detection to be as good as most mixing apps - when CrossDJ Free sets the wrong first beat of a bar, it's really easy to correct too. Controls are mapped to your keyboard, although in this version you cannot edit them yourself. This version doesn't allow recording or the use of midi controllers.

Great for beginners
Professional or experiences DJs will miss the more advanced features not available in CrossDJ Free. However, it's an ideal application for learning digital DJing, and an excellent free option! With some practice you can create excellent sounding mixes making it perfect for parties.


  • Clear interface

  • Good beat detection

  • Features effects and cue points


  • No recording or midi controller support

Free Download
CrossDJ Free


Download Protectorion Data Safe Free 3.2 Free

Download Protectorion Data Safe Free 3.2 Free


Hackers may break into unprotected PCs in order to steal or change confidential data. Unauthorized persons could gain access to stolen laptops and lost flash drives. Protectorion prevents misuse of confidential data on PCs, flash drives and hard disks by encrypting files, folders and passwords and by obfuscating their names. The software is the powerful and easy to use IT security solution for individuals and small enterprises.

1. Encryption for all file types with AES 256 bit.

3. File names and folder names are obfuscated.

4. Seamless Windows integration via consistent Drag & Drop.

5. All data can be managed directly within Protectorion.

6. Deleted files are irrevocably erased.

7. Encrypted backup copies can be created.

8. Integrated Password Safe for keeping passwords.

9. Passwords on flash drives can be synchronized.

10. Windows Miniapp for easy encryption without opening the safe.

11. Standby Mode: Access Protectorion without reentering the password.

12. Auto-Lock: You decide when Protectorion will lock automatically.

No admin rights needed. Formatting or mounting of hard drives not required. User friendly encryption via drag & drop. File and foldernames are also encrypted. Protectorion can be used on every Windows PC, on flash drives and on external hard disks.

Protectorion is the practical IT security solution for individuals and small enterprise, who are aware of the potential dangers lurking on the internet and who wish to counteract data espionage and theft is a potential customer.


  • Encryption for all file types with AES 256 bit.

  • Seamless Windows integration via consistent Drag & Drop.

  • Integrated Password Safe for keeping passwords.

  • All data can be managed directly within Protectorion.

  • Windows Miniapp for easy encryption without opening the safe.

  • Standby Mode: Access Protectorion without reentering the password.

  • Auto-Lock: User decides when Protectorion will lock automatically


  • Users have to import files and folders into Protectorion and need to manage them directly within the data safe.

Free Download
Protectorion Data Safe Free


Download 7 Taskbar Tweaker 3.0 Free

Download 7 Taskbar Tweaker 3.0 Free


7 Taskbar Tweaker brings to the Windows 7 so-called 'superbar' all the configuration options and tweaks you may be missing in this operating system?s taskbar.

After a quick, hassle-free installation process, 7 Taskbar Tweaker shows up on your desktop with a bunch of options that enable you to modify the superbar?s behavior ? and which are not included in the operating system by default.

Some of these options include replacing the Jump list with the standard window menu, preventing similar items from being grouped or selecting which action you want Windows to perform when middle clicking or double clicking on the taskbar, among others.

The good thing about 7 Taskbar Tweaker is that changes are applied immediately ? no need to restart the system. On the downside, we can?t help thinking that 7 Taskbar Tweaker is still a bit scarce in options.

With 7 Taskbar Tweaker you can modify the way Windows 7 superbar behaves in a very easily.


  • Changes are applied immediately

  • Adds options you don't have by default


  • It wouldn't hurt to have more options

Free Download
7 Taskbar Tweaker


Download FireBug 1.9.0 Free

Download FireBug 1.9.0 Free


Debugging is probably one of a developer's least favorite tasks but, regrettably, it's an essential part of software development.

Any helping hand is therefore received with open arms and FireBug does much of the hard work for you. FireBug is a Firefox extension that allows you to monitor and tinker with JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Ajax through a combination of a powerful debugger, error console, command line, and code inspectors. There are many other minor features to FireBug but the most important by far is the debugger, which automatically checks your code line by line.

The debugger sets breakpoints in your scripts and examines every step of execution in real time. Particularly handy is the FireBug icon in the Firefox status bar which tells you instantly if your page is broken. Just open the FireBug panel and you'll see exactly what the problem is - no more scouring through reams of script in the JavaScript Console window. You can open Firebug in a separate window, or as a bar at the bottom of your browser, and also configure a blacklist of sites that you'd like it to exclude.

For any developer who has been driven mad by debugging, FireBug provides an ultra quick, easy and headache-free way of developing your code.


  • Debugs instantly

  • FireBug icon tells you when code is broken

  • Much easier than scanning through your JavaScript console


  • Only supports a limited amount of languages

  • Only works with Firefox

Free Download


Download Altarsoft PDF Reader 1.1 Free

Download Altarsoft PDF Reader 1.1 Free


Program for viewing and editing PDF files. Main Features: open / save pdf files, zoom in / zoom out, rotate page, encrypt pdf file, decrypt pdf file, add annatations, add bookmarks, add watermarks, add attachements, covert images to pdf file, merge file with another pdf file, merge pdf documents, insert blank pages, insert pages from pdf file, insert text from text files, extract selected pages

any kind of user ca use this software. User can view and edit pdf files. Program for viewing and editing PDF files. Main Features: open / save pdf files, zoom in / zoom out, rotate page, encrypt pdf file, decrypt pdf file, add annatations, add bookmarks, add watermarks, add attachements, covert images to pdf file, merge file with another pdf file, merge pdf documents, insert blank pages, insert pages from pdf file, insert text from text files, extract selected pages

any kind of user ca use this software. User can view and edit pdf files. Program for viewing and editing PDF files. Main Features: open / save pdf files, zoom in / zoom out, rotate page, encrypt pdf file, decrypt pdf file, add annatations, add bookma


  • viewing and editing pdf filed


Altarsoft PDF Reader


mercredi 22 février 2012

Download DriverScanner 2012 Free

Download DriverScanner 2012 Free


DriverScanner is an easy-to-use tool that scans your computer for drivers, identifying those that are out of date, broken or incompatible.

DriverScanner can scan automatically on start-up, so you will always be kept up-to-date on the state of your drivers. Even if you disable automatic scanning, the DriverScanner interface is uncomplicated, so doing it manually won't present any problems.

Once DriverScanner has finished its search, it presents you with a simple list of the problems it has found. It identifies the issue, rates its age and offers you the option to download the solution. Among other features is a restore function, in case you do any serious driver damage.

Apart from scanning and repairing, DriverScanner doesn't offer many other options. Setting configuration is adequate, but fairly basic, and you must be connected to the internet to download the help file, which comes as a PDF. Although it doesn't really provide any novel or inventive approaches to driver management, DriverScanner is a solid tool that will get the job done.

DriverScanner is easy to use, simple to configure and a good way of keeping your drivers in check.


  • Easy to use

  • Back-up and restore functions


  • Help file only available from website

  • Not very configurable



Download Skype for Business Free

Download Skype for Business Free


Skype, the software leader in video calls and VoIP also offers Skype for Business, a release designed especially for professional multiple-user situations, from small businesses to international enterprises.

Skype for Business has the same features as the general public release, with the exception of a few details. In fact, the average user is unlikely to notice anything difference - only the Skype administrator will really see how it differs.

Skype for Business is easy to install, as it comes in an MSI file which is perfect for an extended number of computers. Above all, it offers more flexibility network administrators. From the Skype Manager homepage, you'll be able to log into your company account and manage the service from there. Employees using the service are known as Members, and they'll be able to join your network with new or existing Skype accounts.

Some of these features, for example, include allocation of credit, so your employees can call non-Skype numbers, or the disabling of calls to personal numbers. You can pay by a variety of methods, and can enable or disable auto-recharge. Once you've purchased credit, you can set about assigning features to different members. These features include call forwarding, subscriptions, voicemail and online numbers.

When it comes to the everyday basics of using Skype, you'll find that Skype for Business has all of the same features as the standard version. To find out more about them, read our Skype review!

Skype for Business is convincing. Average users get the service they are used to, while Skype administrators get flexible, professional control over use.


  • All the functionality of Skype

  • Rollout help

  • Total control over your employees' use of Skype


  • Many of the business features are pay-for

  • The usual occasional connectivity problems


Download FL Studio 10.0.9 Free

Download FL Studio 10.0.9 Free


FL Studio is a powerful music editing studio for your PC.

Previously known as Fruity Loops, FL Studio has been transformed from a midi sequencer to a fully-fledged audio editing application. There are plenty of reasons why you should download FL Studio and start using it to make music on your computer.

How does it look?

Let's first take a look at the FL Studio interface. Users familiar with FL Studio will instantly recognize the dark green tone and rounded windows of past versions. However, the structure of the program can be difficult for a first-time user to grasp.

The browser window on the left is your resource for any file you will need, from presets to projects and scores. Clicking on an item will open up a drop down selection of specific elements. This library can be filled with more of your own loops and samples and carries an impressive amount of plug-ins like DirectWave, EQUO or Fruity Squeeze. FLStudio has a smart search function to quickly find any track, tool or effect.

How to use FL Studio

To edit your tracks with FL Studio you can use the original pattern window, which contains all the instruments you have selected. You will have to create the pattern desired for each instrument.

You can also use the playlist window, divided into patterns at the top and audio tracks at the bottom. The playlist view features a handy paintbrush tool to color in your pattern. You can also decide to edit your tracks with the piano roll view, quite handy if you have a midi keyboard plugged in.

FL Studio can be tricky to maneuver at first; however those of you familiar with sequencers should have no trouble with it. All instruments and samplers are stereo, so to have multiple outputs you will have to create the desired number of instances.

Anyone interested in connecting real instruments will appreciate that FL Studio also handles multiple midi-ins and features foot pedal sustain support. The FL Studio mixer features a good number of presets and you can fine tune your track with a high degree of precision.

FL Studio is a very good sequencer for anyone looking to create beats. The handy browser view and multiple editing windows like playlist, piano roll or pattern let you work how you feel best. A finely-tuned mixer and a large library of plug-ins also make this a very exciting audio editing application.

Alternatives to FL Studio

- Reason
- Ableton Live
- Acid Pro
- Samplesizer
- Anvil Studio


  • Supports multiple midi-ins

  • Loads of plugins

  • Intuitive interface

  • Smart search

  • Multiple editing possibilities

  • Mixer is filled with presets


  • Beginners may get lost in browser view


Download Minecraft Server 1.1 Free

Download Minecraft Server 1.1 Free


Minecraft Server is necessary for anyone who wants to set up a multiplayer game of Minecraft. Playing the epic sandbox game can be lots more fun in groups, and constructing huge buildings and mines is much easier with help!

Set up

Like the game, Minecraft Server doesn't come with instructions and can be challenging for beginners. You can find a tutorial here. In essence setting up takes four steps:
1. Download Minecraft Server.
2. Execute and configure the server.
3. Check your Firewall settings.
4. Open the Minecraft game client and connect to your server.
Once you're up and running, your friends can join you using your computer's external IP address. Minecraft will then play as usual, but won't be such a lonely experience!

If you can put the time into setting up Minecraft Server, it can be a lot of fun. However, compared to most commercial games, it's incredibly complex!


The more players you have in Minecraft Server, the more resources it will consume - if your PC is not very powerful, you may notice some lag and fan noise!


  • Minecraft with friends!

  • Flexible set up


  • Relatively complicated

Free Download
Minecraft Server


Download Calibre 0.8.36 Free

Download Calibre 0.8.36 Free


If you own an ebook (electronic book) reader, or just feel like reading ebooks on your desktop or netbook, Calibre will help keep them organized.

Calibre is a library for eBooks. It has a big, bold interface that's really easy to use, and ebook files of most formats can just be dragged into the Calibre window. Editing the metadata (title, genre etc) is just a case of hitting the button on the tool bar, and typing in your changes. You can select multiple books and edit them in bulk too, for example if you want to regroup some books in a particular genre.

Viewing is also just a button click, and opens an ebook reader window. Here you can increase or decrease the font size to your comfort, add bookmarks and more. You can also set Calibre to download feed from news websites, although the layout results are sometimes a bit odd. There is also, of course, ebook reader synchronizing, so you can easily keep your device up to date.

Free, open-source and easy to use, Calibre is a great e-book library tool and reader.


  • Convert, import and read your ebooks easily

  • Clear interface


  • RSS support isn't brilliant

Free Download


mardi 21 février 2012

Download Internet TV Player-7 1.1 Free

Download Internet TV Player-7 1.1 Free


Internet TV Player-7 is program for watch TV or listen Radio channels which based on "Microsoft Media Server" streaming protocol. There are more than 100 channels. Manage list of channels, save and load list of channels for share it to your friends.

watch more than 100 TV channels for free

Internet TV Player-7 is program for watch TV or listen Radio channels which based on "Microsoft Media Server" streaming protocol. There are more than 100 channels. Manage list of channels, save and load list of channels for share it to your friends.

this is for all people this is for all people this is for all people this is for all people

Free Download
Internet TV Player-7


Download GameGain Free

Download GameGain Free


GameGain is a gaming assistant for Windows PCs that helps ensure your system is performing the best it possibly can so PC games won't run slowly.

If you're a serious gamer then you'll need help to get the most out of your system and ensure your graphics card is performing to the peak of its abilities.

Similar to Game Booster, GameGain 2 is the latest version of the popular gaming assistant that attempts to take gaming to the next level. It can help you enjoy games like never before by using parts of your processor and graphics card that were formerly not in use. GameGain is quite easy to use and just requires the tweaking of a few throttles and switches to blast your PC into the gaming stratosphere.

However, GameGain should be used with a bit of caution because it does change registry settings and that could unbalance your system. GameGain works by making direct changes to system registry and files to enhance memory, screen drawing, animations, refresh rates, CPU threading speeds. GameGain's developers assure that it only optimizes based on the capabilities of your system and won't try and push it past anything it can't handle. If you do experience problems after using GameGain, the system analyzer should help remedy them.

GameGain might be considered a bit obsolete if you're a user who has the latest Intel Quad processors.

GameGain is a great tool for gamers who want to ensure their gaming experiences run smoothly


  • Optimizes your system for pure gaming

  • Gets the most out of your graphics card and processor


  • Makes changes to your registry



Download Driver Reviver 3.1.64 Free

Download Driver Reviver 3.1.64 Free


Driver Reviver is the most comprehensive and complete driver update utility available for Windows. Having up-to-date drivers is essential for maximum PC performance. Driver Reviver uses industry-leading technology with the largest driver database to quickly identify out of date drivers and easily updates them with a few mouse clicks! Restore maximum performance to your PC today with the multi award-winning Driver Reviver now. Free Scan!

Automatic Installation of Driver Updates

Easy to Use Driver Backup and Restore Wizard

Well-designed Attractive UI, Very Easy to Use, 3 Step Update process, Automatic Restore Points, Backup and Restore Wizard, Growing Driver Database, Low Memory Footprint, Small File Size, Free Product Updates

Perfect for those who:

1. Want the latest driver updates for their hardware

2. Have problems with the drivers currently installed

3. Unable to find drivers via Windows Updates

4. Problems with the hardware due to driver conflicts with Windows


  • Very easy to use, automatic installation of updates, growing driver database, backup and restore wizard


  • License terms (1 Yr, 1 PC)

Driver Reviver


Download The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme Free

Download The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme Free


The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme is a set of wallpaper backgrounds for Windows 7 PC users.

"The Hunger Games" trilogy is a book series by author Suzanne Collins. Set in a dystopian future North America, the books are told from the perspective of Katniss Everdeen, a citizen of impoverished District 12. The three books follow her progression from competitor in the brutal and deadly Hunger Games event to the face of a revolution against the dictatorial Capitol.

If you're a huge fan of movies, you can show off your love of the series by installing The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme onto your Windows 7 desktop. The theme consists of a set of wallpapers with iconic images described in the book series.

The graphics in The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme are crisp and depict iconic images from the books, such as the mockingjay bird and an arrow from Katniss' bow. It would've been nice to see some stills from the movie in The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme to go along with the more abstract wallpapers. There are also no additional features included, such as customized desktop icons.

For fans of the book series, The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme is sure to delight even though the variety of wallpapers is limited.


  • Gorgeous, crisp wallpapers

  • Iconic mockingjay and arrow images features


  • Theme is limited to a handful of wallpapers

  • No movie stills included

Free Download
The Hunger Games Windows 7 Sci-Fi Movie Theme


Download anonymoX 0.9.6 Free

Download anonymoX 0.9.6 Free


anonymoX for Firefox is an add-on that gives you fast, anonymous browsing in the click of a button.

If you're concerned about privacy online, anonymoX is a good option. When enabled, you'll be able to pick a random IP, delete cookies and view your public IP, all with a view to making life online just that little bit safer.

The problem with many IP hiders and proxies is that they are complicated to set up and can seriously slow down browsing. Not so with anonymoX. It installs as easily as a regular Firefox add-on, and automatically enables a random "identity". By clicking on the anonymoX icon beside the address bar, you'll then be able to pick a specific identity from the list provided, including US, European and Asian IPs.

anonymoX goes a step further by also helpfully prompting you to delete your cookies when leaving a website or changing identities, preventing that site from recognizing you. The app also lets you swap between its own service and Tor, and you can enable anonymoX information in the bottom add-on bar, showing you what identity you are currently connected to, and which IP is publicly visible. Clicking on this information will allow you to change it.

anonymoX is a good little service, although not particularly flexible. The configuration options are pretty much limited to what you see in the interface, but this means, of course, that the service is very simple to use. Using most identities, we also found anonymoX to be pretty fast, but, as always, some locales were slower than others, especially when choosing the US.

If you are looking for casual and infrequent IP hiding when using Firefox, anonymoX is a good free option. You could always upgrade to the premium service, but if you are looking for slightly more detailed and/or configurable anonymization, we suggest you look elsewhere.

For free, casual anonymization, anonymoX is a great, easy-to-use Firefox tool.


  • Very easy to use

  • Pick between geographic locales

  • Generally very fast


  • Not very flexible

Free Download


lundi 20 février 2012

Download Winyl 2.8.5 Free

Download Winyl 2.8.5 Free


Winyl is an easy-to-use audio player with a minimalist design and support for the most popular formats.

Most PC users are accustomed to massive media players that hog resources and take up large portions of your PC's hard drive. This is why finding a small, simple, and lightweight player such as Winyl is so great when it actually happens.

The program's interface is divided into two panels: a primary one with your current playlist and a smaller one that has a tree-like structure. The latter enables you to filter music according to different criteria. To add music in Winyl, simply right-click on the top toolbar and select the Library option. You can also add complete folders or individual files via a personalized Add menu. Winyl includes support for star rankings, much like iTunes, and can also display ID tags. Unfortunately, you can't edit ID tags, making its functionality a little limited.

There are also a few different skin options you can use for Winyl, including one that makes it actually look like iTunes. This is a definite plus for someone who prefers to personalize their audio player a little and make it more their own. Winyl is also fast and stable, so it doesn't overwhelm system resources. For someone who doesn't need a complete multimedia station on their PC, this is a fantastic option.

Winyl is a lightweight player that allows you to enjoy your favorite music in a simple, minimalist environment.


  • Easy to use

  • Star rankings

  • Minimalist design

  • Light on resources


  • Only compatible with audio formats

  • No ID tag editing

Free Download


Download MediaInfo 0.7.53 Free

Download MediaInfo 0.7.53 Free


There are so many video and audio formats that sometimes you need a helping hand just to know which codec you need to play that darn file that won't open up in your multimedia player.

This is where MediaInfo comes in handy, by analyzing any media file you open with it and displaying a complete report with all the information available about that specific file. The information displayed by MediaInfo includes basic data such as file name, playtime, file size and the likes, as well as more specific details like used codec, bitrate, channel, sample rate and resolution, among others.

The information provided by MediaInfo can be displayed in a variety of ways, from a basic data sheet or plain text to a tree-like structure or an HTML document. It can also be exported to a file but surprisingly enough MediaInfo doesn't include an option to obtain a printed copy.

Another thing I missed in MediaInfo is the possibility to obtain more information from the Internet (a web link would have been enough) or being able to download the necessary codec if it's not present in the system.

With MediaInfo you can obtain a complete report on any audio or video file, display it in several ways and also export it to several formats though it doesn't support printing and lacks some advanced functionality.


  • Extended information about audio and video files

  • Data can be displayed in several ways

  • You can export reports to a variety of formats


  • No support for printing

  • Lacks extended functionality

Free Download


Download Mediaget 2.01.1058 Free

Download Mediaget 2.01.1058 Free


Mediaget is an all-in-one torrent search and download app.

Torrents are a handy way of distributing media, but in order to find what's out there, you'll have to manually hunt around for the good ones. Mediaget takes on some of the work by integrating a torrent search engine into its interface, meaning you can search and download from the same place, without having to install a client like uTorrent.

The Mediaget interface is pretty slick. It's attractive and clear, showing your search results and details of the files to the right. It classes torrents by speed, name and size, and you'll be able to download, preview or share the media using the colored icons on the right. There's also a window where you can view your transfers, and a media player, so you can use the media you download. Mediaget automatically imports and sorts this media, making your job even easier.

Unfortunately, when you look a bit closer, Mediaget also has a number of features that aren't so hot. For a start, you're limited to the torrent sites that it provides, and you can't add more. The way Mediaget presents your files also means that it's not quite as easy to get information about them, making it hard to tell if a file is what you want, or if it's even legal.

Add this to Mediaget's interface, which feels a bit rough around the edges from a usability point of view, and this torrent app loses a bit of its shine. Remember that many torrents are illegal, and Mediaget doesn't distinguish!

Mediaget is a solid app. Whether or not its weaker points cause you a problem, however, remains to be seen.


  • Slick interface

  • Media player

  • Import torrents from uTorrent

  • Proxy feature

  • Easy torrent creation feature

  • Auto shutdown feature


  • Limited number of torrent sites

  • Slider control is awkward

  • Interface isn't very comfortable

Free Download


Download Google Chrome (Beta) 17.0.963.44 Free

Download Google Chrome (Beta) 17.0.963.44 Free


Not long ago, Google joined the so called web browser battle with a neatly designed web browser which caused a total revolution. Nowadays Google Chrome keeps on evolving and developing new features, which you can have a sneak peek at with Google Chrome (Beta).

While keeping the same minimalist design and features (new tab page, download manager, incognito window and more) of the stable version, Google Chrome (Beta) provides you with the possibility to try out the latest tools before they're implemented in the stable version.

Of course, you should bear in mind that using a beta version means you may find the odd bug and have stability issues, but for the most adventurous users this is a small price to pay for being the first to try out new Google Chrome (Beta) features ? and provide Google with early feedback about them.

If you feel like walking on the wild side, give Google Chrome (Beta) a try and you'll be able to test new features before anybody else.


  • Gives you early access to new features

  • Clean, attractive design

  • Offers the same functionality as the stable version


  • Not a stable version: it may contain bugs


Download PeaZip 4.4 Free

Download PeaZip 4.4 Free


PeaZip is a file compression and decompression tool that helps to reduce the size of large files.

Using the program is a pleasant experience - at the most basic level, add the files you want to compress/decompress using the file explorer on the right and chose the action you want from the main toolbar or by right clicking. The PeaZip interface is fresh and easy-to-use with a few built-in themes to spice things up.

Right-clicking on a file or folder and choosing Add to archive or Browse path with PeaZip will also provide direct access to the program's factions. The compression/decompression process is very quick and smooth, and there are impressive advanced options for users who want to get a little more technical.

Among the best of these advanced PeaZip features are the encryption/password options, compression variables, and the File tools, which allow you to split files, join them and even view the checksum files. PeaZip really impressed us - it's a top-class program that performs at a really high level, and is a worthy rival to apps such as WinZip or 7Zip.

PeaZip is a fantastic program for all your compressing/decompressing needs.


  • Support for many formats

  • Perfect integration with Windows Explorer

  • Very comfortable to use

  • Very good advanced features


  • Doesn't support creation of RAR files

Free Download


dimanche 19 février 2012

Download Skyrim Wallpapers Free

Download Skyrim Wallpapers Free


This set of 5 top quality wallpapers for Skyrim will bring an extra dose of the the fantasy game to your desktop.

You'll be able to choose from an excellent quality selection of 5 wallpapers. Each of them comes in 7 resolutions (1024x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050 and 1920x1200), meaning that all monitor sizes will be able to find a suitable option.

Skyrim fan? Then download these beautiful Skyrim wallpapers!


  • 5 excellent quality images

  • 7 resolutions


  • None

Free Download
Skyrim Wallpapers


Download Advanced Renamer Portable 3.21 Free

Download Advanced Renamer Portable 3.21 Free


Advanced Renamer Portable is a useful tool that helps you easily rename files on your computer in short order and even on the go.

As soon as your MP3 or photo collection starts to grow, you realize how important is to have your files properly named. And in case they aren't, Advanced Renamer Portable can lend you a hand.

Much like Adero Renamer Standard, Advanced Renamer Portable lets you easily rename multiple files and folders simultaneously, applying a single renaming profile to all of them at the same time. This profile is totally customizable, meaning that the renaming tasks in Advanced Renamer may vary from fixing letter case to completely replacing the file's name with a new one.

One of the greatest features Advanced Renamer Portable possesses is flexibility when it comes to configuring the profile. There are certainly quite a few options to choose from, so you'll surely find one way or another to properly rename your files. Also, Advanced Renamer Portable lets you preview changes in real time, which is perfect to check how the new name will look like and fix any possible errors.

The full version of this program can also be downloaded.

Advanced Renamer Portable is a serious time-saver when it comes to renaming multiple files quickly and all at once.


  • Works both with files and folders

  • Very flexible in renaming options

  • You can preview changes in real time


  • Complicated to figure out at first

Free Download
Advanced Renamer Portable


Download Skype 5.8 Free

Download Skype 5.8 Free


Skype is a popular, easy to use and reliable VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) program, that allows you call and talk to other Skype users, video chat and more for free over the internet.

With Skype you can not only have voice chats on your computer ? just like telephone, only for free ? but also make real phone calls at much lower rates, using the SkypeOut service and paying with Skype credit. Besides voice chats, Skype also includes standard IM functionalities (written conversations, emoticons, user avatars and so on) and also lets you have group video conferences.

Improved video interface

These video calls are precisely the main focus on Skype's latest version. The program's interface has been completely redesigned with video conferences on mind. This means it's been made wider so that video fits in perfectly with your written chat, your contact list and a toolbar to manage conversation. The new interface is transformed when you make a call, getting rid of all the clutter, so you just see the video images, and controls. Group video is still being tested in this version, and it's pretty cool.

The sound quality during our testing was perfect: loud and clear. Video sometimes appeared a bit pixelated, but nothing we couldn't really deal with. There was also one nice detail, and that's the ability to see your own video image built-in on your contact's video, and the option to take a snapshot of your own image.

Facebook integration

The other major development is Facebook integration. This is a pretty big thing, as not only does it give you your news feed in the app - anyone can do that - but adds call and sms buttons to any of your friends who share their contact numbers. If you?ve paid for Skype minutes, you can call your Facebook friends, and if they?re also signed in to Skype you can call them for free. One of the best new features is the automatic call recovery - drop a call and it?s put in pause. Restarting it is now really easy.

Skype 5 features a complete interface overhaul that now focuses more on video chats, and also adds some handy improvements to the way you communicate online.


  • Easy to use

  • Sharp videoconferencing mode

  • Keeps records of all your calls

  • Lots of features to improve your chat experience

  • Great sound quality in voice calls

  • Support for embedded local video on target video


  • The new interface is huge

Free Download


Download GTA III Patch 1.1

Download GTA III Patch 1.1

GTA 3, nonostante il passare degli anni, rimane uno dei titoli più amati di sempre. Questa patch per Grand Theft Auto 3 ti consente di risolvere alcuni bug del gioco

La patch 1.1 per Grand Theft Auto III è indispensabile per tutti i fan del titolo Rockstar. GTA 3 Patch corregge specifici errori che causano il crash del gioco in alcune fasi di caricamento o durante il ripristino delle partite salvate.

Oltre al fix di altri bug minori, la patch consente anche di salvare i parametri sulla sensibilità del mouse insieme alle normali impostazioni del gioco.


Download GTA IV Ferrari Formula One Mod

Download GTA IV Ferrari Formula One Mod

Senti il brivido di guidare una monoposto di F1 in GTA 4 con GTA IV Ferrari Formula One Mod. La resa è ottima, ma la fase di installazione è piuttosto complicata

Con GTA IV Ferrari Formula One Mod potrai metterti alla guida di un bolide da competizione: una potente Ferrari di F1, con la quale sfrecciare sulle strade di Liberty City. Il modello riprende il concept della F1-90, pilotata dai campioni del mondo Alain Prost e Nigel Mansell nel lontano 1990.

Purtroppo l'installazione di questa mod per Grand Theft Auto 4 è alquanto complessa: sono infatti necessari tool come GTA IV Magic Patcher e SparkIV per portarla a termine. A tal fine, ti suggeriamo di seguire il realizzato dagli sviluppatori della mod.


samedi 18 février 2012

Download Defraggler 2.08.373

Download Defraggler 2.08.373

Defraggler è un software molto facile da usare per effettuare il defrag di file, cartelle o dell'intero disco rigido. Funziona bene, è molto intuitivo ma offre solo il minimo indispensabile

Dai produttori di CCleaner e Recuva arriva un altro prodotto improntato sulla semplicità: Defraggler. Come potrai immaginare dal suo nome, questo software si occupa della deframmentazione dell'hard disk.

L'interfaccia di Defraggler è chiara, ancorché in inglese, e non presenta alcuna difficoltà di utilizzo. L'applicazione permette di eseguire l'analisi e defrag di un file, una singola cartella o dell'intero disco rigido (compresi quelli esterni USB). Non c'è altro per la verità, e viene da pensare che sia una precisa scelta degli sviluppatori quella di offrire un prodotto che non si perda in mille (e a volte complicate) opzioni.

Le operazioni di deframmentazione sono sufficientemente veloci, ma c'è da dire che il software è ancora lontano dalla rapidità e dalla completezza di programmi come JKDefrag GUI. Defraggler è comunque una soluzione interessante se cerchi un programma che faccia il suo lavoro con efficacia e senza complicarti la vita.


Download Adobe Flash Player Beta (Firefox, Opera, Safari - 64 bit)

Download Adobe Flash Player Beta (Firefox, Opera, Safari - 64 bit)

Adobe Flash Player 11.2 è tra noi, in versione beta. Si tratta dell'evoluzione naturale di uno dei plugin più importanti per browser web. Questa versione a 64 bit è compatibile con Firefox, Opera e Safari

I video (come quelli di YouTube), i giochi e le animazioni in Flash sono da lungo tempo estremamente diffusi sul web. E puoi visualizzarli solo usando Adobe Flash Player, giunto adesso alla sua versione 11.2 beta e compatibile con Firefox, Chrome, Opera e Safari (ma esiste anche una versione per Internet Explorer).

La beta del plugin offre un miglior supporto ai modelli 3D (via Stage3D), alla compressione G.711 per l'audio telefonico, alla riproduzione dei video H.264 HD e dell'audio surround 7.1. Inoltre, tra le principali novità vi è il nuovo sistema di aggiornamento in background.

La beta di Adobe Flash Player 11.2 risolve piccoli bug della release stabile ed è più sicuro. In definitiva, un plugin imprescindibile per godere dei migliori contenuti web. E se la beta non ti convince, puoi sempre usare l'ultima versione stabile: Adobe Flash Player 11.


Download Euro Truck Simulator Mercedes Benz Actros MP1 & MP2 Megaspace

Download Euro Truck Simulator Mercedes Benz Actros MP1 & MP2 Megaspace

Euro Truck Simulator Mercedes Benz Actros MP1 & MP2 Megaspace è una mod ufficiale per Euro Truck Simulator che ti permetterà di guidare il famoso camion per le strade di tutta Europa in tre versioni differenti

Il Mercedes Benz Actros Megaspace è un "gioiellino" di camion, uno dei più apprezzati tra i camionisti professionisti. Grazie a questa mod puoi provarne le caratteristiche sul tuo computer e sfruttarne tutta la sua potenza.

Applicare la mod Euro Truck Simulator Mercedes Benz Actros MP1 & MP2 Megaspace è un gioco da ragazzi, basta aprire il file ZIP e trascinare il file con estensione SCS nella cartella "Euro Truck Simulatormod", che generalmente si trova nei documenti. Entra poi nel gioco e recati al concessionario a comprare il tuo veicolo.

I tre bolidi a cui hai accesso con Euro Truck Simulator Mercedes Benz Actros MP1 & MP2 Megaspace (uno verde, uno blu e uno rosso) vanno a sostituire i tre Majestic originali. Comprarli tutti e tre è quindi costoso, ma abbiamo scritto un post con un trucco per avere più soldi che ti permette di aggirare il problema.


Download DAPlayer

Download DAPlayer

Cerchi un'alternativa a VLC? DAPlayer è il riproduttore multimediale per te. Potente, in italiano, usabile e con oltre 450 codec audio/video integrati, garantisce la compatibilità con qualsiasi formato

DAPlayer riproduce CD, DVD, dischi Bluray e offre il meglio di sé coi video in HD (1080P e 1080i): AVCHD, MKV, AVC, M2TS, MPEG-TS ed EVO sono alcuni dei formati in alta definizione compatibili. Il programma supporta i sottotitoli, la regolazione manuale di colore, contrasto, luminosità e saturazione. E volendo, puoi anche usare i preset predefiniti (CRT, LED, TV).

DAPlayer consente di cambiare l'Aspect Ratio del filmato (tra gli altri, 1:1, 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10 o valori personalizzati) e permette di catturare screenshot dal filmato in riproduzione: con un click puoi memorizzare un frame come immagine nella cartella da te predefinita.

Ottima anche la riproduzione audio. Con il player potrai ascoltare musica in MP3 (o altri formati) e creare e gestire playlist. DAPlayer è un lettore estremamente usabile e dal design elegante. Tutti i comandi per la riproduzione sono a portata di mouse, mentre le impostazioni per audio, video e sottotitoli sono richiamabili tramite dei comodi menu a comparsa. L'applicazione è ampiamente configurabile e ricca di feature avanzate. I più pratici possono anche usare shortcut per richiamare una moltitudine di funzioni.

In conclusione, DAPlayer è un riproduttore multimediale sorprendente, versatile e adatto ad ogni esigenza. Ma soprattutto è in grado di riprodurre una quantità inverosimile di formati: tra audio e video integra oltre 450 codec!


Download SnowFox YouTube Downloader HD

Download SnowFox YouTube Downloader HD

SnowFox YouTube Downloader HD è un'applicazione per scaricare video da YouTube in alta qualità. Veloce, facile e accattivante, è però povero di opzioni e di possibilità di configurazione

Vuoi scaricare video da YouTube ma non ti accontenti di filmati pixelosi? SnowFox YouTube Downloader HD è un programma per scaricare sul tuo computer i video del famoso portale in qualità massima.

Per eseguire il download basta copiare la URL del video dal browser e cliccare sul pulsante "+" sull'interfaccia di SnowFox YouTube Downloader HD. Seleziona la qualità di uscita e la cartella di download e aspetta... pochissimo!

SnowFox YouTube Downloader HD ha un'interfaccia accattivante e, al tempo stesso, tra le più intuitive mai viste. D'altra parte le impostazioni e le opzioni sono veramente ridotte all'essenziale, e forse averne qualcuna in più non ci sarebbe dispiaciuto, come la possibilità di scegliere il formato d'uscita, ad esempio.

Rispetto ad altri programmi simili come aTube Catcher o Free YouTube Download sorprende per velocità di download e per semplicità, e anche l'occhio ha la sua parte.


vendredi 17 février 2012

Download YouTube Downloader HD Portable 2.8

Download YouTube Downloader HD Portable 2.8

Scaricare video da YouTube in alta risoluzione e da qualsiasi computer è un gioco da ragazzi con YouTube Downloader HD Portable. Non richiede installazione e si memorizza su pendrive. Facile da usare, garantisce un download di ottima qualità dei video in hi-res

Abbiamo già conosciuto e apprezzato YouTube Downloader HD, un pratico software in grado di scaricare i video in alta definizione presenti su YouTube.

YouTube Downloader HD Portable è la sua versione trasportabile. Non necessita di installazione ed è pensata per essere memorizzata ed eseguita da una chiave USB. Utile a chi ha esigenze di mobilità e vuole disporre di questa applicazione su qualsiasi PC.

In YouTube Downloader HD Portable dovrai solamente incollare il link del filmato che vuoi salvare, scegliere la cartella in cui memorizzare il file e il formato in uscita. Tra questi potrai scegliere il convenzionale FLV per i video con risoluzione standard (320x240), e i formati MP4 (480x320, compatibile con iPhone e iPod touch) e AVI HD (1280x720) per i filmati in alta risoluzione.

Tra YouTube Downloader HD Portable e la versione base non ci sono differenze, salvo l'anomalo mancato supporto al download dei video in formato AVI per quel che riguarda i video a risoluzione standard.


Download Mipony 1.6.0

Download Mipony 1.6.0

Bazzichi molto su Megaupload, Rapidshare, Mediafire e compagnia? Allora hai bisogno di Mipony: ai download ci pensa lui

Tutto quello che devi fare è copiare e incollare il link di download dentro l'interfaccia di Mipony, e poi sederti comodo ad aspettare mentre il programma controlla che il link non sia rotto, aspetta se c'è da aspettare e poi avvia il download. Tutto da solo, senza che tu debba stare lì a cliccare, aspettare 30 secondi, cliccare di nuovo... Mipony gestisce i tuoi download, e tu sei libero di pensare ad altro.

Il programma include un motore di ricerca interno, per cui non hai neanche più bisogno di passare per il browser. Se il file che ti interessa scaricare è diviso in più parti Mipony ti permette di unirlo. Puoi anche settare un limite per la velocità o per il numero di download simultanei, così non rischi di intasare la tua connessione internet.

Se dobbiamo trovargli dei difetti, è fastidioso il fatto che la finestra di Mipony si apra automaticamente ogni volta che digiti qualunque cosa dentro Megaupload, Rapidshare e altri siti simili.

Ricorda di non scaricare e/o condividere musica, film, giochi, immagini, testi, programmi e qualsiasi altro materiale protetto dalla legge sul diritto d?autore


Download VLC media player 2.1.0 RC1

Download VLC media player 2.1.0 RC1

Esce finalmente la Release Candidate di VLC 2, disponibile in italiano. Ovviamente ancora instabile e non destinata ad un uso continuativo, questa RC è però una buona finestra sul futuro di VLC media player

Lo storico, inossidabile, fondamentale VLC media player si prepara ad una svolta. Presto il lettore di casa VideoLAN passerà dalla versione 1.1.11 alla 2.

I cambiamenti in programma sono moltissimi, e in questa Release Candidate di VLC media player puoi dare uno sguardo alle novità. La principale è senza dubbio la possibilità di leggere dischi Blu-ray, anche se per ragioni legali è possibile riprodurre solo Blu-ray non ufficiali (cioè dischi non protetti).

L'interfaccia è migliorata, nulla di troppo radicale ma appare meno austera rispetto alla precedente versione di VLC media player. Inoltre è stata semplificata la gestione delle playlist, e resa più intuitiva. La barra di avanzamento video è stata migliorata per offrire una visualizzazione più comoda.

Aggiunto anche un nuovo output video basato su Direct2D per Windows 7 e Vista. Migliorate, infine, le prestazioni nella riproduzione di video FULL HD.


Download PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.201

Download PDF-XChange Viewer 2.5.201

PDF-XChange Viewer è un ottimo programma in italiano per leggere in tutta comodità i documenti PDF. Si integra con i browser Internet e offre alcune avanzate opzioni di editing

Che sorpresa questo PDF-XChange Viewer. Il lettore PDF gratuito di cui tutti parlano (sottoscritto compreso) è Foxit Reader, ma PDF-XChange Viewer non ha nulla da invidiargli. È veloce, completo, in italiano e si integra senza problemi con Firefox e Internet Explorer.

PDF-XChange Viewer offre tutte le funzionalità tipiche di un visualizzatore di documenti di questo tipo: segnalibri, miniature delle pagine, opzioni di stampa personalizzabili, vari modelli di visualizzazione e altro ancora. Sinceramente è difficile trovargli una mancanza grave.

Inoltre PDF-XChange Viewer ha funzioni di editing raramente disponibili in un lettore gratuito. Permette di aggiungere note, sottolineare testi, disegnare figure geometriche e altro ancora. E tutte le pagine di un documento possono essere esportate in un file immagine. La funzione che ci piace di più? PDF-XChange Viewer permette di scrivere direttamente sui moduli in PDF senza dover prima stamparli. Curioso? Dai un'occhiata al nostro video.